All AbOut Me
Name::RaChael Age::Grown!!
Location::GhostTown Status::Wifed Up Srr!!
Dedication:: To My MOmmy Theme:: ImA Real BitCh!!
::PERSONALITY:: UNLIKE any other (Quiet/:Calm/:/Strong/:/Passionate/:/!!!
TRUE 2 MYSELF {! kn0w wh0 ! am, where !m at and h0w !m mak!ng !t 2 da t0p}
blesz all th0se that watched and l0oked up0n me as i left them 0n gr0und and started to cl!mb the r0ad of sucesz!! luv u ALL...
ME And My BOo MElISsA!!
**PicTures FAde** FrienDshIp FadEs** LOve Fades** BEauty FAdes**liFe FAdes**
So LIve Life 2 Da FUlleSt!!