Cin Cynik ®™ profile picture

Cin Cynik ®™

Smoke Up.

About Me

None of us should have to.
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I need nobody/country to govern me,now on to our main attraction,MEH.
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Well,im ambby (Ambrose) if i were a book my cover would be for the most part appropriate,yetmisleading,a firewall of sorts,i like it that way,it would only show a slight glimpse of myouter/inner ego/self,its a reflection of the world around me,im ready for urbanwarfare,after all what you see is only a human body,its not WHO i am,WHO i am is a muchdeeper thing all together in which i shall not try & write,a human persona can be quiteintense & large in information.Moving on,im quite composed,which throws alot of peopleoff.If you wanna get to know me,then you need to get to know me,its that simple,dont besurprised if you never truely understand me,i wont be.I dont care for peoples made upfictions on who i am,in fact they are quite entertaining.If you are one of the few who cansee things clearly without foggy deluded vision,this is good,if we are friends then youprobably know me well enough to know the real me.I live by codes & honer for those whodeserve it,Money means nothing to me,if i can share something with a friend i do & theyusually do the same for me in return without tally,this is what i consider a friend,this ishow society should be.If you become one of my REAL friends,ide gladly sacrifice this humanshell fighting by your side,thats just how i am,I follow patterns,im a taoist mostly.If imnot in a serious situation or facing a threat im very kind,but as kind & good as i can be ican be just as ruthless & callus in disposition.The city of my birth is the king of allcities,NEW YORK CITY,i moved away from Soho when i was around 6 or 7,i then moved to thebronx back when it was still a nice area in which kids could just walk the streets & nothave to worry,but eh shits changed,i dont mind cause ive grown strong through it all & ivestill been able to remain a non jaded positive person,its truly sad when a negativeenvironment infests ones mind turning them into the very thing they dislike.I believe inbeing free & i wish the world population was not as big as it is now,or at least not ascondensed,we are tapped for resources because the government owns them all,which leads tomany misfortunes in society,lack of freedom from a government thats desperate to hold on toits cash & its plans for world domination,i say fuck em,i live free even within thisprison,& oneday if they try & harvest us & really pull some shit they will find that i wontbudge an inch,they will only find themselves left for dead like some sort of human roadkillon the side of the road.I have goals,tho they are tricky,i shall just try & survive fornow,in time get a place,make money,live alittle more,& then who knows,im the kind of personwho needs the freedom to just up & leave oneday,i could leave on an impulse,ive done itbefore when i moved to cali,i will probably do it again,this time who knows my destination,ihave a nomads soul.I like many things,i can always find something to like in almost anygenre of music or movie,musically i like these genres:classics,Classical,Oldies,Rockabilly,Psychobilly,Punk ,Oldschool Rap/Hiphop,also j-pop/jrockas well as Jazz,Funk,Trip,& etc,the list goes on,basically,if it has heart & is real or atleast just pleasing to me for whatever reason i listen to it,depending on what mood im in ofcourse or the mood ide like to be in,it also depends on if i feel a connection with theartist & song,music can be very powerful in the right hands,& it can also be quite uselesswithin others,i hate when others just have bands for a trend or to party & get ass,thosefools are weak & have no direction,they are shit out of luck when it comes to leadershipskills.Music can heal,it can bring strength,& it can liberate millions,As well as openpeoples eyes to injustice.i intend to use it to these extents,plus imagine sex without it?haha.
Ps:Me to,& if he ever said,BROTHER Leg-Drop that mofo in the face,ide do it without a thought.
Even though i wrote this about me,i really dislike doing so,ive had outer body experiencesin which i could see who i was clearly without distortion from my mind or ego,but that doesnot mean i want to try & use mere words to somehow give a light description on who i am,ifeel as if such a task is simply foolish,but shit,here it is anyway,im aware my page ismassive & filled with a shitload of content,i could have made it small & petite,somethingmany people do,mabye they think it leaves mystery which makes people think higher of them,ijust dont give a shit,this page is loud & present as i am,its my digital collage of variousinterests & beliefs.I like the fact that my about me is large,in a way it serves as afilter,if someone views my page for the first time & just leaves it because they dont wantto read this about me it shows me something,& if someone reads through ALL OF THIS then thatalso shows me something as well,& yet it might mean nothing,but hey thats just how the swordof patterns cuts lol
Well its time to conclude this "little" about me,i could probably write loads more,but in the art of good taste i shall stop :-p
Adieu v-{^_^}-v
I have many interests --->(See Interests)<---
Current Video---> ''--Le Voyage Dans La Lune--''
Georges Melies Rocks.
"--Extended Info About Me--"
I have found the one i truly love,i wont let go,i will not have bad timing,i will not let anything stop this,i need her,& she needs me,together we can set each other free to a world of exploration,love,excitement & peace.We will push one another forward,beyond our highest plateau's,we will reach it together,because of her,i can do anything,i could slay any evil for her,she truly makes me solid & a force to be reckoned with.We were two souls,ripped from one another in a world before our current,we found one another once more,& the feeling is as real as anyone will never understand,yet we understand it,its for us to feel & no other to mock or misunderstand,& if they do i will simply pity them & walk away,for they know nothing of fate & the energy behind the universe.Before this,life was simply a masquerade from point A to point B,now ive gone from A to Z & back again in a single second,because of this soon to be completion,it is close at hand & i could not be more behind it.
Imagine if people could communicate through there minds,it blows me away,Imagine how much time would be saved,pretty much in all things.You could just let a person know exactly what its all about,instead of hoping on words to convey your feelings accurately enough.
What gives a man more authority then another,their blue jump suits,their badges,there oppression? The human race does not own earth,if anything we are a part of earth,it owns us,their all nothing more then parasites on the earths surface,When will we rise?
They might laugh,or they might adore us,but they shall never ignore us.
No matter what,i shall always remain free,my soul is true to itself,that no-one can change.
Im still who ive always been,just with firewalls & other persona's that shield me from the spam of life.
I would find it quite nice to fall asleep & to wake in a new reality,but then again you never know.
Im a social survivalist of the highest emulation,a soul that is alone,a soul that is beyond hurt & past death.There remains only one last event,the resurrection.The resurrection of which i speak is of myself,my soul,my life,my love,my strength,my flow.There shall be no more restraint on who i am,i shall put all the pieces together to form one full picture.
Im a human cluster bomb of extreme negetive & positive energy & emotion.
The human race is the greatest plague the earth has ever known.
Please,educate yourself,they cant stop you,do it your way.
I make funny noises so my dogs make funny faces.
I like to make text face's.
I mourn over the human race.
I feel like casting myself off the highest mountain,ide like to go insane during the drop,ya know,to enjoy the pretty colors.
When people say hook up,i think of robots.
Dont ask me if im crazy,ask me if the world is sane.
I enjoy the many forms of sweet release.
Simply put,i am but an old sperm from a new womb.
Our lives pass like the fading smoke.
We may only move foward,as horrid as that is,respect every second of life you live,also respect every second of life you prematurely take away from yourself.
There will always be rebels as long as oppression exists,punk will never die for the same reason.
The only true americans left are the ones who rebel against what this "america" has become.
The way i live is a lifestyle,not a problem.
Im not into that whole bling bling thing in which cheaply made shiny objects are valued more highly then they should be,its cheap & its shit,appreciate the older & wiser/highgrade things/items within life.
How do i feel?:Devoid of love,FUCK.
Yes i have loved & am able to love,but the real question is if i can find the exact frequency of love that shows up on my inner scanner.
"Pulp Fiction" Mia - That's when you know you've found somebody special, when you can just shut the fuck up for a minute & comfortably enjoy the silence.
"--Quotes from my allies--"
"Ambrose, I'm happy you're bored." (Fei)
<" alt="" border="0">
''--My Bud's--''
Bro's since 91,damn.
She's a sexeh ladehhh! haha ''---Team cobra---''
Mike the bear,always there,haha :)
Fei Fei,She is quite important,Best female friend ever.
These are ma home-dawgs,the Marimo's,there from a mystical love story <3 (we all have our wierd accessories)
''--Group Pics--''
we'll kick yo ass.
''--Messege to my true friends--'' (You know who you are)
I love you guys,you guys have the power to make me happy,thats saying alot.I take great caution in naming someone a friend,i am not let down.
"--Voice Comments--"
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"--Contradiction's two defining examples--"
Free-dom - Pronunciation[free-duhm]
1.the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.
2.exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
3.the power to determine action without restraint.
4.political or national independence.
5.personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: a slave who bought his freedom.
6.exemption from the presence of anything specified (usually fol. by from): freedom from fear.
7.the absence of or release from ties, obligations, etc.
8.ease or facility of movement or action: to enjoy the freedom of living in the country.
9.frankness of manner or speech.
10.general exemption or immunity: freedom from taxation.
11.the absence of ceremony or reserve.
12.a liberty taken.
13.a particular immunity or privilege enjoyed, as by a city or corporation: freedom to levy taxes.
14.civil liberty, as opposed to subjection to an arbitrary or despotic government.
15.the right to enjoy all the privileges or special rights of citizenship, membership, etc., in a community or the like.
16.the right to frequent, enjoy, or use at will: to have the freedom of a friend's library.
17.Philosophy. the power to exercise choice and make decisions without constraint from within or without; autonomy; self-determination. Compare necessity (def.
Now for our second example.
Gov-ern-ment - [guhv-ern-muhnt, -er-muhnt]
1.the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc.; political administration: Government is necessary to the existence of civilized society.
2.the form or system of rule by which a state, community, etc., is governed: monarchical government; episcopal government.
3.the governing body of persons in a state, community, etc.; administration.
4.a branch or service of the supreme authority of a state or nation, taken as representing the whole: a dam built by the government.
5.(in some parliamentary systems, as that of the United Kingdom) a.the particular group of persons forming the cabinet at any given time: The Prime Minister has formed a new government. b.the parliament along with the cabinet: The government has fallen.
6.direction; control; management; rule: the government of one's conduct.
7.a district governed; province.
8.political science.
9.Grammar. the extablished usage that requires that one word in a sentence should cause another to be of a particular form: the government of the verb by its subject.
It seems that "they" have there shit mixed up,this is also an amazing example of opposites,but wait,there not supposed to be,*gasp* what a fucking surprise.

My Interests

Open your ears to my soul,acknowledge my void,OUR voids that can only be filled by one another,its painful/numbing all at once with the intensity of a thousand suns.

Forget the alternates,it should be us.

This is my spirit (Its a link)


I collect Ghettoblasters,those hot Box's.

(CH3CH2OH) Fuck yes.

My good friend.



What Bitch?

Slice N Dice.

I cant even explain.


Music,Anime,Manga,American Cartoons,American Comics,Martial Arts,Love,Life,Pain,Pleasure,Sorrow,Indescribable Emotion,Living,Evolving Through Each Day,Death,Life,My Friends Whom I Love To Death,Blading,War Movies,80's Movies,Johnny Depp,90's Movies,Cult Classic Movies ,Underground Movies/Series,
Underground Gaming,Liero,Videogames,Pc's,Hacking,Programming,Photography ,Philosophy,Technology,Martial Arts Movies,Live-action Movies,Piercings,Tattoo's,Drama Movies,Comedy Series/Movies,Reading,The L33t Internet,Taoism,The Yin & The Yang,Wolves,I Really Hate This.

Its bronson time.

Im into marimo <3

I love me my chao.

Sonic has got nothing on shadow.

Wurd.AKA forever x_@

The worlds most awsome irish man.

My sentiments exactly.

Wurd up.

I truly suck when it comes to calling people,sorry bout that.

“The LSD somehow gave these people experiences that psychologically took them outside of themselves and allowed them to see their own unhealthy behavior more objectively, and then determine to change it,” says Dyck. “[It] appeared to allow the patients to go through a spiritual journey that ultimately empowered them to heal themselves, and that’s really quite an amazing therapy regimen.”

"--Auditory Art--" (BBL)

I'd like to meet:

Hmmm... Genuine people who know the true meaning of ---> Friendship,Love & Hate,People who dont misuse any of the 3 previously stated meanings.Ide like to meet people who blend seemlessly with me,People who dont make me feel out of place,Moving on,Ide like to meet a few people and sit down and have a real conversation with them,A few of these people would be,John Kricfalusi (ren&stimpy) Matt Groening (simpsons) mike judge (beavis and butthead) a few j-pop & J-Rock stars,Neil Young,Elvis,Jim Morrison,Jimi Hendrix,Johnny Cash,John Candy,Robert Smith,David Bowie,Slash,Joey Ramone,DeeDee Ramone,Johnny Ramone,Tommy Ramone,Marky Ramone,CJ Ramone,Elvis Ramone,Richie Ramone, Davey Havok,Jerry Only,Doyle,Michale Graves,Dr Chud,Glen Danzig,Trent Reznor,George Bush,Bill Clinton,Hulk Hogan 0.o Tons of oldschool actors from the 80's,Akira Toriyama,Johnny Depp.......I suck at giving info on myself....Did i mention Jackie Chan? man there are way to many to list i would like to meet alot of people.


Fucking awsome.

As for specific artist listing,i rather not,cause the list would be way to big & i do not feel like trying to make it,lol.Just go to my intrests,see the TYPES of music i like instead & thats that.


Ill name them as they come to me,over time,;) there are so many.

Best shit ever.

Make a move fucker.

Damn right bitch.

Freejack owns.

Fuck yea.

Fuck yea once more.

One of the best movies ever made.

Not as good at the labyrinth,but still pretty damn cool.

Trippy as shit.

Ide join up.

Simply kickass.

Insane ownage.

My hat goes off to the big green guy.

I love this movie for various reasons.

Reminds me of my days in soho,great movie.

Cant wait to do this to our own government.

Muay Thai & Tony Jaa are ultimate. (& i love animals)

Love can be brutal,but its still worth the fight.


"--Dr Slump--"

.. width="425" height="350">.. .. ..>


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"--The Lone Wolf--"

"--The Lone Wolf--"

Saint Ambrose,of which i was named.

Screw super-man,Nick o' Teen is my hero.Hahaha....(i love his laugh)

Fuck yea.

Stan Lee,amazing.


Suppa-man to the rescue.

Meet crono,ok,now your dead.

Aku Aku is the shit,ikunamigah!

Mike Judge owns.

Sam Kieth is godly,& the maxx owns.

The man right here.

My nigguh right thur.

haha... Domo-Kun is the awsome.

Masami Okui owns,one of the best singers ever.

Megumi Hayashibara,also one of the best singers.

I need to marry this chick ^_~ *Mila Jovovich*

My Blog

The Cyniks

Its getting to be about that time in which shit needs to start,once i get my place,then all shall be set in motion,maybe sooner.I keep trying to think what i can do in this life to get by,what job ide...
Posted by Cin Cynik ®" on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 02:44:00 PST


Friendship is timeless,it knows no boundaries,nor does it add tally.It just is,i have friends all around the world,& i dont get to see some of them for years at a time,friends ide die for,friends ...
Posted by Cin Cynik ®" on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 01:21:00 PST

The knot is almost undone.

& when it is so,man i cant wait.I have fun just being around her,just think of all the future potential x_X it shall own.
Posted by Cin Cynik ®" on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 11:34:00 PST

When i see her next....

I did indeed see her next,yet fate decided to test my resolve & stop the plans i had for today,for us.This has only given me more hope,because in this negative time within our world,when something...
Posted by Cin Cynik ®" on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 01:33:00 PST


This sucks,i feel horrid.In the moment in which comforting her would have mattered i failed.Damn my fucking rusty emotions,im sorry.Im a dysfunctional mess,my feelings tend to respond when its to late...
Posted by Cin Cynik ®" on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 11:34:00 PST

Love like water.

Love like water,ive held it in my heart for at least 3 different people since my last 2 exp's.& its sad to say,ive never been able to close my fist & grab what could have been mine,what could ...
Posted by Cin Cynik ®" on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 05:19:00 PST

Change & The Tasks At Hand.

I have come back to NY with success of completing the human understanding that i wished to.The negative.& ive learned the positive prior to my return,i then put them both together,& now im rea...
Posted by Cin Cynik ®" on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 01:38:00 PST


Holy Fucking Donkey Shit On Fire.Let me explain something,i have not shed a tear in a long time,the ability was lost for me.Nothing moved me enough.Then i saw this. I hav...
Posted by Cin Cynik ®" on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 12:49:00 PST

Run away,

its all i want to do,all i think about....Pressure building,its way past my tolerence,somehow i carry on,but it wont last for long,i feel it slipping,crawling away from me,my mind is cracking under th...
Posted by Cin Cynik ®" on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 11:31:00 PST

Current Regret

Always waiting till its to late to tell people how i feel about themI need to fucking stop it.If i could split into two im sure my other half would simply look at me & say,IDIOT.I love you & i...
Posted by Cin Cynik ®" on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 01:02:00 PST