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What kind of a freaky mother are you?You're a punk rock mommy! DIY is probably your motto, because you're a punk mama at heart. Your kids are getting your independent spirit and guts, and learning to solve problems themselves. You love it when they show their independence, even when it's breaking your heart.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeI am Peggy. I love my hometown of Austin but seem to lately enjoy bringing a bit of style out to the west.I'm simple and yet complex. I'm happy most days but ride on the edge of wanting die on others. Anything I love, I love with all my heart. Passion drives me. I try not to let fear do the same.I see beauty in almost anything.The nautical star is symbolic of finding one's way through life. Nice...Peace, Peace and more PEACE!!!This picture was the last one taken of my father. Interesting thig is, it was intended to be taken of me, but it's so cool that he is in the back ground with the beautiful sun shining directly on him... right where it should be. I put the Irish Blessing around the photo... it was his favorite. I will always miss you Daddy.~~~I am one HAPPY CHIC!!!I am high on life and my God! He fullfills all my needs and ROCKS MY WORLD! I am active in my recovery from drugs and alcohol and that is something amazing in my life. My friends mean the world to me especially now that I know what real friendship is all about.