♥diMpLe♥ profile picture


♥i like a guy who would make my heart be-thump everytime he looks and stare at me.... a spark

About Me

*i jUz dNt find MYSELF PRETTY but i lovE GOD sO i LOve MysElF. .",)
sO nOw..
*DsCriBnG mYsLf S dfiNitLy a piEcE oF wrk On mY prt
*im a simple person
*luv 2 go out w/ frnds..prson hu speaks frankly..fun 2 b w/.,i want wat i want,& der s nthng wrong wi/ dat,i am strong but also hv weaknesess n lyf
*i may look,snobbish,but im exctly da opposite,coz im so friendly,
i luv my frnds so mch! im also a god-fearing prson,i luv my family so much!
*sum say im a bitch on da way i look da way i speak but hey dnt jz rely on hw da ppol luks lyk,yes! im a bitch but n da ryt circumstances=)
*i'm jUsT d tYpiCaL giRL
*hu knwS hw,wEn & wEr 2 hV fUn..i mAy hv fLawS..&bAd trAitS bUt i tRy 2 at leAst gV a lil rEspct 2 mYsLF.dts y i Stay reAL & b trUe 2 mySLf
*prhPs,8 wUd b a nEvr EndinG actiNg sHow F i pRetnd 2 b sumbdy eLsE..i knw u'll agREe wd mE! i cn b crAzY aT tYmS bUt iM cOmpLeTLy sAnE.im NICE 2 eVRy1 xCPt 4 dos aSsHoLe pPol.hehe
*i h8 snOttY biTchEs...dos hu thNk dEy'rE sUcH a gOddEsS,& aCt lyK sum LiL' riCh bOi/guRL!
*im NICE.bUt i cn b bitCHy oN dOs ppol hu dSrVe sch AcT fRM mE. y wud i gV a dAmN bwt sum1 hu dOeSnt eVn crE at ol!hmp
*I h8 bCk stabbers..i jUz dn't Lyk 8 weN ppol tok bhNd mY bck.hEy! i dNt waNt 2 sOuNd rUdE bt iM jz spEakNg mY miNd”,)
*iM dFFRnT N soO mAnY wAyS..iM a cOmpLt wEiRdO, i tHnK dFFRntLy,i hv da stRanGeSt idEaS, i dO wat i wAnT 2 do..dS S mY Lyf..nObdy cn tL mE wAt 2 dO.nObdY cn tL mE WaT 2 wEaR..NobdY hs da ryT 2 jUdGe mE!
*I am prctcally strtng ol ovr agn
*Tryng 2 gt a career on my own,tryng 2 achv my goals&dreams,tryng 2 focus n skul & miting alot of new ppol.I nvr rgret wt hppnd n my pst
*Tho sumtyms I ask myslf y 8 hd 2 happn. den agn, I realizd, dos r meant 2 happn cz I hv 2 learn frm 8.I dnt wnt 2 fil d same thng agn.I am nt a bad prsn. Nt evn wat sum tot bwt me!
*Evry1 hs dr own good&bad syds but 8 does nt mke dem less of a prsn
*LyF 2 me means FRIENDS & family hU u caN tRusT & hU trUsts U.
*I am pretty mch on dA hApi sYd oF lYf, bUt lyK oL tEEns I do hV my "DAYS OF." DaT mEans I do hv sUm sAd dAys oR dEpReSsd daYs.
*I do hv lOts of frnds hr dat sOrt of lUk oUt 4 mE & whEn I am hvng a bAd dAy, I hV my cLoZ fRndS & of cOrZ I oLweZ hV my bEst evEr frnd on my sYd.
*i cNt b a DUMMY f i knw deep wthn me im REAL. Yet, sUm ppoL maY misUnderstood me, dnT rEcognize my exstnce,& dnt bothr 2 tke a simple glimpse of my worth.But ds s wat i wnt 2 say: "WHAT U SEE S WHAT U GET". judge me? well,8 dpnds on WAT U SEE. but KNOWNG ME? s ur creatvty to lUk deeper,peel wtevr covr u cud sEe..'coz deepwthn me s WAT MAKES ME HUMAN, NOT PERFECT, JUZ THE REAL ONE..",)
-sO nOw, i gUess.U peOplE,knOw what Im lUkin 4 a FRIEND!
-8s nt mEreLy hw U unDrstNd 8,bUt Hw U b lyk 8",)
-hOpNg dT "YOU" r dsrVnG 2 b caLLd "a FRIEND"...
xiao! =D myspace
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My Interests

I LOVEFoOdTriP;TxTiNg oF cOrZ;MeEting NEw FwenDZz;WiNdow ShoPpiNg wit Mah fWendz (bELaY nd Bea);WatChn mah fAve mOviEs;SuRfiNg da Net; cOLLectIng cUte&cOOl sTuFfs (aCcesso;caPs;bAgs;make-up;cLothes;"butOk"heheh....); love tAking pix Of Mah SELF. .hehehe LoVe to go everywherE. . .=) iM a KOREAN MOVIE addict. . . hehehe

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ANYTHING that will catch my emotion",)Check out this MySpace MP3 Player !


ANYKIND! some kind of "FunNy & rOmaNtic""....


.. fsmismyhero

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The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster


GOD of corz! my so-called REAL FRIENDS!& my CLAN",)

My Blog

10 Things You Should Know About B-R-E-A-K U-P-'s!

1. More often than not, breaking up is as hard on the person ending the relationship as it is on the person being broken up with - don't assume just because a person is breaking up with you means that...
Posted by ♥diMpLe♥ on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 04:51:00 PST

poem with fuLL of REGRETS!

Jenny was so happy about the house they had found. For once in her life it was on the right side of town. She unpacked her things with such great ease. As she watched her new curtains blow in the bree...
Posted by ♥diMpLe♥ on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 05:01:00 PST