Filmmaker, music producer, actor, lyricist, poet. Owner of Bilecky Productions, specializing in music and film production. My music defies any mainstream title and/or genre, however it is hip-hop-ish in the lyrical sense. In essence, my desire and drive fueling the lyrical content is of conscious nature, serving to promote the listener to question what they've been taught and told, and look within to contemplate what they think they 'know'. Similar to the previous generations' technological boom which was prompted by people beginning to ask, "What's next?"; I firmly believe our generation is at a similar stage where the "what next" question will cause both an internal and external growth revolving around conscious awareness. I feel that my music will serve as a pseudo-'blueprint' or guide, so to speak, by providing clues and hints as to where this evolution can create its foundation. The 'science' and knowledge I drop is anything but ordinary. Unless an individual has a personal aspiration to acquire this information, it remains readily inaccessible to most; it is not taught in schools or regularly passed on by word of mouth. My hope is that the uniqueness of this information will prompt the listener to inquire and look into the statements and referenced knowledge themselves, because the things I speak of are TRUE and there IS proof, if one chooses to look.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Helen of Troy (I would love to meet the face that launched a thousand ships), Shakespeare, Huey Newton, Joan of Arc, Pythagorus, Socrates, Timothy Leary, Jim Morrison, Hendrix, Che, Thoth (search under Egyptian Dieties if curious) ......