Yes, i am aware that there are over 18,000 people on my myspace, and i may not get back to everyone.Thats because it would be rediculous for me to spend all my time on here.
Say somthing worth while, strike up a amazing conversation?
Im not mean in anyway;accually one of the biggest sweethearts.I will W4W you if you have over 10k and i will promote you if i think your good. I will ALWAYS do PC4PC, i usually get back to most everyone. If i dont just send me a reminder and i deffinately will. If i havent returned the favor its not on purpose, so dont be rude about it. No i dont not think im better than you in anyway, just to clear things up.
It's there, just highlight it.
This account will go to promoting my signing, just give me a while to get everything sorted out and my stuff legally protected.
i wish i had her skills.
Chelsea Gari