About Me
I was born in Berlin on January 24, 1712. My Father is Frederick Wilhelm the First, and my mother is Sophia-Dorothea of Hanover. My Grand father is George the First of England. As a young child I had an inner hatred of all my father stood for. But, as I grew my interest in the millitary grew, as did respect for my Father.I married Elisabeth Christine von Braunschweig-Bevern on June 12, 1733. I still haven't paid much attention to her, but why when their are so many well grown gaurdsmen in the Palace? I've also had a close relationship with my friend, Voltaire. We've been corresponding for several years.I was crowned King of Brandengurg-Prussia in 1740. War with Austria over the succession of Marie-Teresa broke out immediatly after I succeded the throne. I took no time in Invading, and seizeing, the province of Silesia from Austria. This doubled Prussia's population and industrial capabilities! In 1741 Austria counter-attacked with an army under Count Neipperg, but their were smashed at the battle of Mollwitz.In order to negoiate a treaty the French sent Marshal Belle-Isle to negotiate a treaty, failing in this my Silesian adventure morphed into the War of the Austrian Succession.Austria failed to recognise my claims on Silesia, so I invaded Austria again in 1756. This was a major war for many reasons: it led to the Prussian dominion in Germany, and the British domminion in North America. This ended in the signing of the treaty of Paris in 1763.After the wars of my reign, I settled down and rebuilt the economy and relations of the Prussian people, and paved the way for Bismarck.
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