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About Me

Hi friends!! Bbark here, in 2nd Grade the word "friend" was in a spelling test I was taking... There were some 20 words on the test. In order to narrow the words down, I just remembered to look at the calender and see how Friday was spelt.. cause FRI is at the beginning of both... so I got friend correct!! I did not want to remember if it was Firend or Friend... nor did I want to sound it out... or understood what "sounding out" meant.... oh and right when I looked up.. my teacher Mrs. Simpson looked at me... I gave her the I got this test down... with flying colors look... Also in 4th or 5th grade I would remember that any thing that is a multiple of 9 would... well let's say this: 9x5 is 45... well 4+5 is 9... 9x7 is 63... 6+3 is 9... if you add the digits together, which are a multiple of 9... they equal 9!! YAY !! hehh I only made it to the 2nd round a couple of times... but I was boy of the year so suck on that!!SNL Dick in a Box
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My Blog

Jan 3rd

so today is a new day... a good one in fact. within the hour my sales person quit a gentleman came in with 4times the experience to apply... needless to say I hired him and he potentially may be my be...
Posted by morenoB on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 01:59:00 PST

Jan 2nd

I remember when I blogged everyday... that was a while ago. like a year... then in August I tried to bring it back... but hated it. maybe I've been in a bad mood for a long time... haven't read my bib...
Posted by morenoB on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 02:42:00 PST

Aug 3rd

    So it turns out that I don't really blog on my days off.... maybe cause I have no internet... hmmm... anyways. yesterday was full meaningful errands... I even accidently got groceri...
Posted by morenoB on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 03:19:00 PST

Aug 3rd

    So it turns out that I don't really blog on my days off.... maybe cause I have no internet... hmmm... anyways. yesterday was full meaningful errands... I even accidently got groceri...
Posted by morenoB on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 03:19:00 PST

Aug 1st

so.... my first day off was supposed to be today... see I've been working about 6 days a week, trying to turn this site around... and it's paying off... big time... I get a text this morning at like.....
Posted by morenoB on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 07:53:00 PST

July 31st

So... I was typing this and when I used to blog all the time I wrote it in MS word... I did not this time. and lost everything... live and learn... gotta learn.. learning is important. trust me I know...
Posted by morenoB on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 12:51:00 PST

blog hidden in bulletin

this is a bulletin that shoulda just been a blog... didn't really have a gameplan, just started to typeso I really wanted to post a bulletin about something... and I stared at my computer for about 20...
Posted by morenoB on Thu, 03 May 2007 09:46:00 PST

In Tulsa

    i'm in Tulsa... been here for 2 or 3 hours. had 2 of the most bestest conversations I've had... ever.I wanna see Change. I wanna be apart of it.Truly Pray I will.
Posted by morenoB on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 01:17:00 PST

today, April 18th

so today... I had about 5 things, productive things on my list to do... I usually achieve 90% of those things on my second day off, provided my days off are next to each other... this is one of those....
Posted by morenoB on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 09:33:00 PST

April 15th

so wow...that's all I can say about my dayI've really got nothing to say... life is good. full of obsticles at the moment... My sister is 100% doing good in Jesus' name!!I decided I could do my taxes ...
Posted by morenoB on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 08:13:00 PST