aCoustic guitars. Live music. piAnos. bongos. maRacas. congas. In n out. ZZleeping. kEtchup.
Jazz, Blues, R&b, sould, pop rock.... a lIttle bit of everything.... as Long as it is sOothin' (al green, donny hathaway, gaVin dEgraw, john MaYer, m5, jason mraz, john leGend, santana, erIc clapton, queen, pink floyd, maRvin gaye, anthony hamiLton, sinatra, jack johnson, coldplay, flight of the conchords lol...) and hard rock - punk every once and a while...dream car..
Meet the parents, Final destination 1/2, Cast away, Saving Private Ryan, first 50 dates, well ofcourse JACKASS, THE Garudge... lol, and the see-SAW... lol
HOUSE , Lost , and ofcourse.. american idol ... so you think u can dance...i found a new addition--pussy cat oh yeah... there s another one.... ketchup and mustard(dont miss it, best show)
eric clapton, santana, friends, my lolas, my lolos, dad, ma', kris, clarizze.