well my name is banana or jaqueda i like to masterbate on a regulary basis and i have numoraus jobs such as stripping and being a pole dancer but my passion and heart really belongs to belly danceing and one time at this club i was rappen then i puked all of my mothers speguty all over ... me and eminem arnt that good of friends i think it has something to do with cleaning out his closet if ya no what i mean *bang *bang *OHH yea give it to me ya that was fun i also raped his dauhter halie o man was he pissed but now halie loves me ok back to me... this hot apple walked by me so i whipped out my gate and shot her steam off then road my 14 gear bike home but i noticed my fanny pack was open so i closed it what a relfe man my vibarater was still in there some guys think i have a sexy butt i dont think so it has more of a 90% roundness with some firm ness ooooooo ya well peace in A-town up ^!This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5