I love hanging out with my friends, mischief, fuckin' around, and having fun. I love playing my guitar (but I suck at it) and I hope I have a talent for recording music, cuz I'm going to college for it. Fika likes to do it in the butt
Metal, Rock, Alternative, Ska, Reggae, some Punk, electronic, Trance, Hip hop, and butt sex music.
May, Harry Potter Movies, Star Wars, School of Rock, Queen of the Damned, V for Vendetta, Love and basketball, ATL, Underworld, Underworld Evolution...and other movies
That 70's show, the history channel, discover heather, TLC, I like watching those medical shows about weird and rare things.
Harry Potter, The Giver, Steven King, I like dystopia books,
not many of those, let me get back to ya on that one