janni profile picture


hello spaceman

About Me

A girl whos only gonna stand collarbone high.

My Interests

Caden, sharks and Polly Jean.


Imogen Heap, Blonde Redhead, Bjork, Cure, Rilo kiley, Metric, Jim croce, Alton Ellis, Theivery Corporation, Felix the housecat, Chicks on speed, Le Tigre, Depeche mode, Ani difanco, Jenny lewis and The Watson twins and of course The Pixies.


The Gonnies, The Chorus, Killing Field, Love me if you dare, Amelie, What about bob?, Water, Clara et moi, Twin sisters.


Gilmore Girls, Food Network, Design on a Dime and Law and Order svu


currently reading Me and Emma by Elizabeth flock


The only person who have ever shown me what real love and happiness is my son Caden Jacob Fong I love you honey