Eating, Sleeping and Rea ding
Teens: to show them the benefits of public libraries- free books, free internet service, free homework help, free events, activities and programs and free food (sometimes)- Visit your local library and ask about teen happenings
Harry Potters, old black and white tear jeakers, romantic comedies
America's Next Top Model, Project Runway,Drive-Ins,Diners and Dives, The Apprentice, Am azing Race, ER, Ghost Whisper, Ghost Hunters, HEROES, Ugly Betty, ESPN, Fox Sports Net, TCM, Sci Fi, Animal Planet, Bravo, F/X, Fox News and CNN
I work at the library, are you kidding? But really, manga, vampire lore, Harry Potters, teen fiction
Every single military service man and woman (past and present, especially present). It is by their service that I can sleep comfortably and peacefully under the blanket of FREEDOM. Thank you, Armed Forces!!
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