kingdom come / writing songs and stories / drinking white wine out of bell peppers / eating things that make hair EXPLODE out of my chest region / pretending to be human / rejection-loss / traveling by canon / reading as many books as I can / Lazer Eye Beaming the ones who need it (you know who you are) / trying to take control as the life train careens wildy around corners / Long Walks / Murder Death Kill / shaking my fist in the air ruefully / leering at empty space / turning my brain off / the voices who tell me to kick batmans ass / climbing out of the void / I love paying 90% attention to what a person, or people are saying to me, and the other 10% on visualizing myself DUNKING on that, or those FOOLS! / Drinking beer out of a measuring cup / slapping bare bottoms / laughing all the time / trying to find both the bag I keep my mind in, and the apple sauce for my pork chop / talking to strangers / smiling wryly / eating sushi / shower time crooners / people who scream BANANA"S at other people in public settings / Tasmanian Devils / Duck Billed Platypus's / The word persnickety / hanging with the guys below!!!
a person to eat people with -
Beck /Rolling Stones / Black Star / The Mars Volta / The Roots / Nirvana / They Might Be giants / Mr Bungle / Wu-Tang Clan / The Captain and Taneal / Pink Floyd / Porno for Pyros / Bjork / Yellow Man / Any Irish Drinking Song / lou reed / johny cash / etc...
Air bud I-III, Good Burger, Maximum Overdrive, From Justin to Kelly, Cross Roads, Karate Kid III, Over the Top, Howard the Duck, Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder), All of the sexual harrasment movies any employment has ever made me watch -
Big Foot and Wild Boy - YkY308
Frank Schatzing "The Swarm" - Dan Simmons - Ilium, Olympos, Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Hundred Years of Solitude - Love in the time of Cholera, Lucifers Hammer, Tom Robbins - Jitterbug Perfume - Still Life with Wood Pecker, Issac Assimov - Foundation Series, E.A. Poe - complete works, any and all of the classic or ancient mythos - homer - virgil - norse poetry, All of the Jane Roberts "Seth" books - Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul etc..., Carlos Castaneda's entire works, Kurt Vonnegut - Breakfast of Champions - Hocus Pocus, Graham Hancock, John Keats, kind of have a weakness for comic books too -
I have this picture of a wierd guy in a helmut eating a 25lb hamburger - He's my hero.