nature, trees, canada, my bike, listening to music, my school, movies, running, the beach, vh1, my family, church, my stuffed penguin clyde, argyle, plaid, cableknit sweaters, skinny boys with glasses, my dogs, DISNEY!!!, my super-soft quilt that i got when i graduated, photography, math, science, dissecting things, walks in the middle of the night, being in bed, rain, sunshine, pottery barn, smooth shaved legs, driving around aimlessly at night with the windows rolled down, jumping on the trampoline, etc, etc.
Y'know, I've never understood if this is supposed to be who I'd like to meet in general, or who I'd like to meet on myspace. In general, Gordon B. Hinckley. On myspace, select cool people that I deem worthy of adding to my exclusive friends list.
blink-182, Taking Back Sunday, the Beasite Boys, Boston and sweet 70s music, music from Scrubs, RENT, Cake, Oasis, Something Corporate, Jack's Mannequin, Fenix TX, Billy Idol, Saves the day, Weezer, Foo Fighters, Sister Act 2 soundtrack, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Clay Aiken, whatever suits my fancy
Miracle, Dead Poet's Society, the Notebook, A Goofy Movie, What About Bob?, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, I Heart Huckabees, pretty much anything with mark wahlberg, V for Vendetta, Little Miss Sunshine, Anchorman, The Secret of NIMH, Muppet Christmas Carol, Green Street Hooligans, the Departed, Lord of the Rings, Sneakers, Big Fish, X-Men 1-3 (particularly 2, though), other sweet superhero movies, many things
Arrested Development (sigh), Scrubs, the Office, vh1, grey's, veronica mars, BAND OF BROTHERS, Smallville and Alias on DVD, the history channel, the bu, comedy central stuuuff
Stiff, Harry Potter, 1984, The Giver and pretty much anything by Lois Lowry, Wringer and pretty much anything by Jerry Spinelli, Second Helpings, The Outsiders and tretty much anything my S. E. Hinton (can you tell i like children's literature??)
Joseph Smith, Amulek, my dad, my sisters