Sports, Girls, Friends, Families, And Parties!
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Will Ferrell, Albert Pujols, Dr. Maring Luther King Jr., Adam Sandler, Jim Carey, and anybody who wants to have a kick ass time!
You Are Corona
You don't drink for the love of beer. You drink to get drunk.
You prefer a very light, very smooth beer. A beer that's hardly a beer at all.
And while you make not like the taste of beer, you like the feeling of being drunk.
You drink early and often. Sometimes with friends. Sometimes alone. All the party needs is you!
What's Your Beer Personality?
Which STL Cardinals Player Are You?
Albert Pujos
You are so so so dedicated to baseball and you love it so much! You are a true baseball fan!
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A "Getting to Know You" Survey
The Basics
Name:: Brandon
Birthdate:: When the saints go MARCHing in!
Birthplace:: San Diego
Current Location:: Kirkwood, Missouri
Eye Color:: blue or green i dont really know
Hair Color:: light brown
Height:: 6'0
Your webpage:: Ummm what
Are you taken?: Happily
Are you a virgin?: Nope
How many & what kind of pets do you have?: 3 dogs
What's your job?: too cool 2 work
What's your Dream Job?: Professional Baseball player
Who is your best friend?: Tyson, John, J.R., and Karina!
What instruments do you play?: Musical Fruits
What are your hobbies?: Playing baseball, hanging with my girl, and being an angry drunk!
What are your goals?: To go to a 4-year college and suceed in getting my degree!
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?: Yea i'd have 2 say i would
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: I dont read i just dont like too
How would do describe yourself?: Mostly laid-back but lately ive just been filled with anger
What is a topic you wish you knew more about?: Mathematics
What do you daydream about?: I daydream about how it would feel to be laying in a bed
What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?: Catholic
List 3 Things You Would Change About Yourself:
One:: Honestly nothing
Two:: Okay still nothing
Three:: Okay maybe my pee-pee could be bigger, lol
Either / Or
Shy or Outgoing?: A lil of both
Spender or Saver?: Saver when i have it to save which i dont
Truth or Dare?: Dare me!
Books or Movies?: Movies
Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure?: Comedy and Horror
Cats or Dogs?: Dogs
Mountain or Beach?: By far beach
Sweet or Salty?: Salty fries
Do You...
Smoke?: No
Drink?: Yes but i have problems when i do
Get annoyed easily?: By some people!
Like to travel?: Yes i like to see new things
Like to drive fast?: Yea but im scared of the Po-Po
Sing well?: No way Jose
Want kids?: Not for a while
-----What would you name a boy?: Manny
-----What would you name a girl?: Ryan
Have You Ever...
Performed on stage? In what?: Yea, lets see Sweet-Heart Auction
Been in a car accident?: No thank goodness gracious
Been out of the country? Where?: Yep, Mexico, it was the BEST!
What Is...
The last CD you bought?: Wow i dont have money 4 that
The last movie you saw in the theater?: The number 23
The last movie you rented?: Shoot not sure
Your greatest fear?: Spiders i cant stand those things
Your greatest strength?: I have a lot of heart!
Your greatest weakness?: I get angry sometimes
Your happiest memory?: High School and meeting my Rini!
Your Favorite...
Movie:: Rudy, Dumb and Dumber, and Anchorman
TV Show:: Sportscenter, Real World, and Maui Fever
Actor:: Will Ferrell hands down
Actress:: Hilary Duff, not!
Food:: Pizza and quesadillas!
Drink:: Soda Pop-Dr. Pepper from McDonalds is so good!
Color:: Green
Scent:: Tyson's stench
Season & WHY:: Summer, i love the heat and playing baseball
Day of the week & WHY:: Satuday, its a day u can relax, party it up, or get something done
Store:: Hollister
Quote:: "Dont ever give up, don't ever give up." Jimmy Valvano
What Do You Think About...
Abortion:: It's a sad thing, shouldnt be happening in the world
Homosexuality:: It dont bother me as long as i dont see it
God:: No words can describe God, he's too many things!
Jesus:: My Savior, he is there for all people!
Satan:: No comment
Heaven:: I hope i go there one day
Hell:: No comment
Miracles:: They happen every day starting with the gift of a baby
Astrology:: I dont pay attention 2 it
War:: Some things need to be done because people in this world can be nuts
Ghosts:: I hope i never see one
Reincarnation:: I cant really tell u
Karma:: It's there 4 sure
Luck:: I wish i could have a lot of it
Aliens:: I'd like to see one but as long as its a cool one!
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODEYour results:
You are Superman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
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Yo i love a lot of things, im a big fan of country, hipity-hop, and im starting to like Rock a lot, i cant saying this without saying that i love Blink 182 they're grrreeeatttttttt!
Let's see, i love Anchorman and pretty much everything with Will Ferrell in in he's my boy, Elf Rocks too, i like Remember the Titans, Anything Adam Sandler, and one of my all time Favorites Dumb and Dumber!
My new favorite show is That 70's show i frikin love it, i like ESPN and MTV, Real World is the bomb!
Twas the Night before Christmas!Dennis Green Goes Nuts
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My heroes are my parents becuse they have been there since day one. Nobody can ever even compare to them in my eyes. They are the two greatest people i know and im so thankful that i have them. I love my parents!Take the quiz:
What Specific Sport Are You?
YOU ARE BASEBALL! You love americas past time, you like 2 hang out with your buds at the local baseball field and play sum ball
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Which Anchorman character are you? KIK ASS PICS
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What Baseball Player Are You?
Paul Lo Duca
A gritty, team player always willing to do whatever it takes.
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Allen Iverson - Practice
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