YO! WUDUP PEOPLE! My name is shane im 18 years old and here are some things about me... I've been living here for 2 years now, b4 that I moved here from Tennessee, and b4 that louisiana, I miss those places very much! I find it just a little boring up here mainly bc there's no beach... The BEach is literally one of the only things I always look forward to in my life, there's just something about it that makes me feel like im free and nuthin can hold me back. anyways back to " about me " im a really humorous person that tries to find the bright side in things and its very rare that people see me serious, mostly because the " serious " attitude doesnt fit my description, so come up and talk to me im not gonna be evil or nuthin lol! Also im very big into not drinking and smoking! I can't stand it when people depend on drugs and alcohol to have a good time, it just irritates me bc thats all people really want to do at my age... Im heavily influenced by music, I like ska punk, rock metal little bit of hip hop, and alternative. I'm really into sports like surfing, Kickboxing, football, hockey and so much more! when I get older and I graduate I plan to study Chiropractic or law enforcement when i move out, as u can tell im really into helping out as much as I can in my life. Anyways thats enough about about me and if you want to know more, Don't be afraid to message or if there are emergencies call the cell, message me to get it. Anyways to all my buds ~~PEACE OUT~~
Background from Yahoo search result