~Jezebel~ profile picture


The road less traveled is my path of choice . . .

About Me

~ I'm pardoned for my undone past But even so the hurt is done, For out there somewhere in the dark, A soul is lost I might have won ~ Think upon me often, and don't hate me for it all the same. Accept me for my bitchy no-nonsense behavior, and I will shower upon you nurturing and love. Be honest, and you WILL turn me on - lie to me just once, and I will never forgive you. Never assume you know me, always know there is more you'll never know. Let me suck you dry, rape your emotions and psyche and ravage your body - and you will never feel more satisfied. Trust me and respect me . . . and the only boundaries you will ever know will be your own fears. I am, most definately, a "dare you to love me" kind of girl. But, submit to that desire and I you WILL be rewarded. Yes, I am a Dominant by nature and have trained more then a few slaves - but, that's a whole other topic........~sometimes.....when something seems too good to be true, it isn't but, if you convince yourself that it is - you'll never know
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My Interests

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by themoments that take our breath away.

I'd like to meet:

honesty - just give me honesty, the rest falls into place. There are times when it's safer for me to put myself in my room, lock the door and crawl into bed 'cuz sometimes I'm a danger to myself and those around me.....and then, the doorbell rings.....argh!............ ......


~Those that are unfraid to own up to who they are, even in the face of criticism, judgement and confrontation~

My Blog


Fear not maiden For the rivers will find you too And, from the river You will find the ocean And from the ocean  you will be taken to the sea   In that tropical spot you will find youth And yo...
Posted by ~Jezebel~ on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 05:55:00 PST


I have bitten my tongue And choked back words And starved myself of the emotion So very often lately&.   That it is a wonder my tongue is not bloodied and torn That I have not suffocated on v...
Posted by ~Jezebel~ on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 02:06:00 PST

Broken Castle

By the ruins of his Castle On a ledge of rock at the edge of the Sea Broken columns Distinct outlines of the fortress that once stood Mosaic floors still inlaid in the stone Marble statues frozen in t...
Posted by ~Jezebel~ on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 06:48:00 PST

If my castle walls could talk

If my castle walls could talk   Alone in my solitude About to walk through the deep corridors of memories A pleasant and yet a bittersweet journey Grazing the tips of my fingers across the unyiel...
Posted by ~Jezebel~ on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 07:59:00 PST

It's like this

It's like this There's this bubble of "situations" Bubbles of incredible epic events They bounce around in the ether The bump into some and gently bounce off And they keep floating Randomly bouncing ...
Posted by ~Jezebel~ on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 03:35:00 PST

Tapestries of Time

So removed So distant So far Not by choice Yet by reason Hardly by accident   Viewed as cold Seen as troubled Frequently misunderstood   Envied by some Feared by others Hated by more than...
Posted by ~Jezebel~ on Sun, 13 May 2007 07:13:00 PST

Sometimes it's like that

Today is the night where the blood ran redI have lost not just the warBut the whole god damned battle The how or why is not important But the loss is greatThis moment I will remember Fool am I to thin...
Posted by ~Jezebel~ on Sat, 05 May 2007 09:45:00 PST

Randon thoughts of certainty

Yes, the ocean my passion The analogies are endless The beauty with such depth The majesty breathtaking   I will leave the Ocean be for a moment And focus on the reality Leaving the analogy asid...
Posted by ~Jezebel~ on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 07:00:00 PST

Reflections - The Best of What Is

To the depths of the Ocean And the heights of a bright lit moon How deep we have fallen How high we have risen   Knees nestled under her chin Sitting on the veranda The salt of the sea air Clin...
Posted by ~Jezebel~ on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 07:44:00 PST

Forever Memory

FORVER MEMORY The stars shine bright The North star brightest Saturn twinkling Mars on the horizon The Moon lighting a path A beam of light on the surface of the Ocean Pointing inwards or outwards De...
Posted by ~Jezebel~ on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 09:49:00 PST