I am a pretty simple person,very laid back and easy going.I am always in the mood for a great joke.It is not very often when I don't have a smile on my face.I also have no problem poking fun at myself.It is a wonderful feeling making someone you care about belly laugh.I don't care for negative people or drama.I put my forty hours a week in and for the most part always have a great time doing it,helps when you work with a good friend.When I am not hard at work I am with my beautiful daughters,Samantha and Madison.They are both a blessing,I thank God everyday for giving me happy healthy girls.Being a parent is not an easy job,but it is so rewarding.I learn something new everyday with them.You truly have no idea what sacrifices,heart ache,and hard work your parents put into raising you until you have your own children.It really makes you appreciate your parents that much more.
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