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Martin A Smith

About Me

My work is concerned with the creation of atmosphere rather than of form, melody or rhythm, of creating an environment through subtle and harmonious changes rather than through force.

Current projects include

Scene One: A Field
An album of landscape-tones. Steep skylines, low cloud, pearl ground with shadows in oyster and violet, green folds and corners, waves of soil. The day melts copper into the hills, lilac sky, eyes close with the heat. Air is thickened and clouds stained. Long shore drift, ships rusting at harbour, shadows that sound and swollen bruise greys.
Scene One: A Field is available to download at TuneTribeGet these tracks
Belle Atmos
Post-apocalyptic noir soundtrack jazz. Imagine pop rivets in a willow pattern soup tureen, a New York license plate washed up in the Burmese delta, Charlie Parker as a short order chef in an Alice Springs service station, lizards on a dead farmhand, and waiting in line behind a Belgian social worker reading Bukowski.
myspace/belleatmos and

Belle Atmos perform Sister Ships

Map 165
Martin A. Smith and Tim Hooper have been sporadically collaborating since 1982. Sometimes years have passed without them working together until an idea or suggestion has presented itself and the only way forward has been to work together. Involvement in a wide variety of outside projects has kept the duo's work fresh and inspiring.
They share common beliefs in the pursuit of beauty and evocation through the creative misuse of technology. Instruments rarely sound like themselves and are blended with samples, found sounds and taped effects.
More importantly, their live sound responds directly to the venue and thus they prefer to play in settings that inspire both players and listeners.
myspace/map165 and

Surrealism On Film
I have recently become entranced by the surrealist films of Man Ray, Fernand Leger and others from the 1920’s and have been composing new soundtracks to accompany these films in a live performance.
A film by Man Ray from 1923 with a new soundtrack by Martin A Smith
The Joining Of Heaven And Earth
An audio/visual exploration of the ancient pilgrims road to Santiago de Compostela, with film by Georges Meisner and sound manipulation by my good self. There are excepts from "The Joining Of Heaven And Earth" at

The Joining Of Heaven And Earth

Labyrinth Of Nomadic Passions
An ambient storytelling project I am working on with the writer Igor Tojcic. More details at and myspace/labyrinthofnomadicpassions

I also curate, facilitate and organize a night of soundscapes, improvisation and sonic art at an art gallery in Notting Hill, London. Details at and

My Interests


Member Since: 1/5/2006
Band Website:
Type of Label: None