- beatboxing : The story of an
alter ego-
Beatboxing is one of my few passions, as a beatboxer, most people view me as
"good", "chronic", "talented", and other in the like, but few view me as an
artist. This, if dwelled upon, could be an extremely frustrating/annoying
notion, but, I've grown used to it. For instance, someone who hasn't seen me in
a while will be like "bust a beatbox," he'll look back at his friends, to whom
I've never seen in my life, and say, "this kid is ill," he'll look back at me
and say "bust it." I'll perform, starting off with a simple drum beat, he'll bop
his head, the friends'll look semi-impressed, then I break down into a full
blown hummed melody with kicks, snares, and hi hats (or the occasional wood
block hit). The smiles can be seen in the corner of my eye as people start
dancing… I look at the ground, trying not to make too much eye contact to avoid
distraction, and my heart starts beating, and I get into this zone. I hate using
the phrase "into the zone," because it's so goddamn cliche, but it really is a
"zone." Where I completely forget about entertaining, showing off, or
performing, and I get lost in the beat. People looking and listening to me while
I'm "in the zone" just see a beatboxer bustin a beat, they never realize how
much it means to me, or what it does to me. They admire the half of it, the half
of it being the beat, the skill, and the sound. The second half eludes most,
it's the practice, the originality, the dedication... but most importantly the
zone, the very thing that makes me forget they are there, that makes them elude
me, is what eludes them. This beatboxing picture, the two sided public view and
personal effect paints the picture of my life. Those that know me, say, in
school, or from a party, see me as a funny, sarcastic lunchbox that loves to
fuck around. Those that are truly close to me know both sides of me, the funny
guy who loves having a good time, and the guy who has deep thought,
individuality, and a love for expression. Black and white, pees and pods,
PBizzle & Jizzle, things work great and pairs, and so is the dynamic duo of
Halsey David Payne, and The Infamous Dr. Hpizzle.
Check out some random assorted beatboxes/beats here