Give me the outdoors (especially mountains; not especially beaches), solitary places with no machine-noise or light pollution. I love being with my family in Wyoming. The company of a handful bosom-friends was the great blessing of my sojourn in Texas; sharing in the scriptures, worship, prayer, good books, a whole lotta coffee, marathon games of Risk, good movies (LOTR), good food (Fud's, and hobbit breakfasts), our respective towns and families, hard times, and living spaces.
Good books are like water. I think I would like to live like a Franciscan, and write something of lasting value.
For now, I live in Vienna.
I'd like to meet:
All those for whom Jesus prayed as recorded in John's Gospel, chapter 17. The beauty of that community is beyond imagining.
Kieth Green, Rich Mullins, Fernando Ortega, I dig Coldplay somthin' fierce, Johnny Cash, Jeff Buckley, IZ, Tom Waits, Sigur Ros, Death Cab For Cutie (amazing), Counting Crows, Explosions In The Sky,...maybe I'll think of more later.
Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, Dead Poets Society, Cinderella Man, Millions, The Hudsucker Proxy, The Man Who Knew Too Little, Peter Pan (the new one), Casablanca, The Emperor's New Groove, Robin Hood (Disney's version), Dumb and Dumber, The Never Ending Story (Atreyooooo!), Princess Bride, Mirror Mask....
The Office, Conan O'Brien, the Colbert Report, and (I am ashamed to say) 24.
66 books called the Bible. Anything by: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Karl Barth, Geroge MacDonald, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, G.K Chesterton, Dallas Willard, Richard Foster, N.T. Wright, George Herbert, Francis Thompson, John Milton, Gerard Manley Hopkins....
Jesus Christ. He is peerless.