Take a look at my pics to see some of my interests. Flying, Cars, Motorcycles, snowboarding, wakeboarding and some other things. Lately, I have started to go sailing with my dad since he bought a sailboat.
This is one of the best photos I've ever taken. To me it says Buckle Up!
Danica Patrick! Any girl that is that hot and can drive cars that fast... well I might just have to propose to.lol
Michael Schumacher and anyone that has the same interests as I do. Feel free to message me and say hi or ask questions. Its nice to meet new people.
Give me the good stuff!
Tivo is manditory! I dont have time to just watch TV. And lets not forget about the replay. But honestly, I dont even watch much T.V., and thats fine by me.
Umm. I like books but I spend 90% of my reading time on magazines. I like books and magazines on offroad trucks, motorcycles, custom motorcycles, and mags on flying.
My Parents and Grandparents who have worked hard so that I can have the life I live.