< Abe > profile picture

< Abe >

Less logical. More Random. Thanks.

About Me

My deviantART: abib.deviantart.com
My Xbox Live Gamertag: Abegale

Sohuld I write about myself? Should I? Should I?
Should I fix my typos? YOU WISH!
Isn't it weird how we just browse peoples profiles and look at the ones belonging to people we don't even know? I know at least one of you reading this now hasn't even met me before and just though you'd have a look and see who I am.
Maybe I know someone you know.
Maybe you found this randomly or thought my picture looked 'cool'.
Fair enough :)
I browse randomly myself. I might have even read your profile some time ^_^
So I'm Abigail Sinclair. [please don't use my real name to hunt me down and murder me]
I have many a nickname which you may choose any number of to refer to me as. These would be: Ab, Abi, Abe, Abib, Beeby.
Ok so that's really not that many but shut up and deal with it {calm down, I didn't mean it}. I have to say Abe is the one I'd call myself if I was suddenly made into 2 people and forced to refer to myself... for some unknown reason. What?
You may learn something today, but you may not because you could know me quite well.. or you could have cheated and read this all before. Fun timez! One thing you should notice is that I tend to go on a bit. If I'm in any sort of good mood then you'll see I either never. stop. talking... or I just type and type. I bet some of you have already been subjected to my stupidly long messages/e-mails.
I like things. I don't need to specify those because I made a list of them to the left of the page. How handy.
Here are some real facts.
♠ I'm currently studying New Media at Leeds uni.
♠ I studied Multimedia at LCC before uni and gained an overall mark of triple distinction! Get on me.
♠ If I'm not out of the house or asleep I'm always online.
♠ I'm curious. Some Most of the things I do are done simply because I wonder what'll happen afterwards and what it's like to do them.
♠ People think I don't mind them always bringing my boobs into conversation. I hate it, stop doing it. Yes they're large, now go away.
♠ I love meeting new [INTERESTING] people. Please do start a conversation with me.
♠ I fall too fast and jump into things too quickly.
♠ I send too many texts that mess a lot of things up.
♠ Photos. I can't get enough of them. Especially hilarious ones that I look back at after years and still laugh.
♠ I have a lip piercing which my fat lips always manage to hide.
♠ I can't help but dance to music when I'm in a good mood. I'm dancing as I type this sentence.
♠ I work in a pub called The Birkey, behind the bar.
♠ I'm too sarcastic.
♠ Some people should learn how to type [How is 'd' ever a suitable replacement for 'th'?]
♠ If I know I'm good at something I'm not usually modest about it.
♠ I enjoy typing out HTML.
♠ I'm the forgotten middle child! But also the creative child in my family.
♠ I take my camera almost everywhere because I love taking photos.
♠ I love anyone that can make me laugh without making fun of other people.
♠ I talk nonsense an awful lot.
♠ I have an on/off button on the back of my neck. [it's a tattoo]
♠ I own a pirate hat and it totally wins.
♠ I like the lingo of the 1337. [pwn, win, w00t, score.. etc.]
♠ I'm a lazy slob that procrastinates way too much.
♠ I change my profile, song and default picture lots.
♠ I wish I was male.
♠ I have a really short attention span...

My Interests

This week I are been mostly listening to:


I made a list of all the artists I could remember liking one or more songs of.
I made it alphabetical though it's most probably incomplete.
Want to see?


The Matrix (1 st film)
Fight Club
Empire Records
Star Wars
Donnie Darko
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (I still need to see the other Monty Python films!)
Party Monster


I don't watch TV.


I haven't read much to be honest but I plan on read many many more books.
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Narnia series
A Song of Ice and Fire series
Revelation Space
Chasm City
Recommend some to me!
I like weird/random books and also action fantasies.


Anyone who makes me laugh.