Writing, reading, drawing, hooligany, skating, filming and watching movies, making music videos, swashbuckling, building stuff, and being a nice, generous, and loving person....:
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Green Lantern
The Flash
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
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Favorite Bands: Stabbing Westward, Tool, Bright Eyes, Marilyn Manson, Deftones, Linkin Park, Nine Inch Nails, The Beautiful Mistake, Dave Matthews Band, Johnny Cash, Billy Idol, Sex Pistols, Scum Of The Earth, Pennywise, Jack off Jill, Portishead,The Descendents, The Oblivions, Lost Sounds, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds.
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Serenity, Sin City, The Crow, Romero's Dead Trilogy, Raimi's Evil Dead Trilogy, Ichi The Killer, Versus, X-2, Saved, Boondock Saints, Anchorman, 40 Yr. Old Virgin, The Eye 2, Infection, Ravenous, The Re-Animator Trilogy, The Devil's Rejects, Ginger Snaps Trilogy, Cruel Intentions, Clockwork Orange, Blade Runner, Aliens Quadrilogy, Akira, Predator Trilogy, Terminator 2, Shaun of the Dead, The Incredibles, Dog Soldiers, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Wet Hot American Summer, Sky High, Chronicles of Narnia, Peter Jackson's King Kong, Dead Alive, All of Kevin Smith's Movies, Wedding Crashers, Undead, Spider Man 2, Pale Rider, Equilibrium, Man On Fire, Troy, Batman Begins, 28 Days Later, The Beyond, The Grudge, The Big Hit, Payback, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Metropolis, Vanilla Sky, Interview With The Vampire, The Punisher (Thomas Jane's, not man ass Lundgren's), Zombie, Pitch Black, Chronicles of Riddick: Black Fury, Rebel Without A Cause, SLC Punk, Garden State, Street Fighter: The Animated Movie, Tekken: The Animated Movie, The Stand, Full Metal Jacket, Dr. Strangelove, Bring It On, Advent Children, Little Miss Sunshine, The Descent.
Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Scrubs, Saturday Night Live, The Office, My Name is Earl, Futurama, Family Guy, Freaks & Geeks, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021, 12 oz. Mouse, American Dad, Squidbillies, Venture Bros., Tom Goes To The Mayor, Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law, Home Movies, Chimp Channel, Robot Chicken, Batman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, X-Men Evolution, The Brak Show, Deadwood, Carnivale, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, South Park, Reno 911, The Boondocks, The Maxx, Tom Green, Jackass, Prison Break and Downtown.
Novels: The Dark Tower series, The Stand, and On Writing by Stephen King ---The Outsider and Rumble Fish by S.E. Hinton ---American Gods, Neverwhere, and Coraline by Neil Gaiman ---The Thief of Always by Clive Barker ---Wormwood by Poppy Z. Brite ---Dirty White Boys, Pale Horse Coming, Havana, and Black Light by Stephen Hunter ---Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett ---Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card ---The Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series until it degenerated into softcore porn by Laurell K. Hamilton ---The Beast That Shouted Love At The Heart of The World by Harlan Ellison ---Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury ---Anything by H.P. Lovecraft ---I, Robot by Isaac Asimov ---1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell ---Stinger by Robert R. McCammon ---A ClockWork Orange by Anthony Burgess ---Angels & Demons, and Digital Fortress by Dan Brown ---Graphic Novels: The Ultimates, V For Vendetta, Preacher, Ultimate X-Men, Sin City, Astonishing X-Men, Origin, The Maxx, Strangers in Paradise, The Crow, Hellboy, Ultimate Spider Man, Hellblazer, 100 Bullets, Transmetropolitan, Runaways, Swamp Thing, 303, Just A Pilgrim, Kingdom Come, The Dark Knight Returns, Academy X, Madrox, Hellions, Fell, Cable & Deadpool, Ultimate Fantastic Four, M.K. 4, New Avengers, Astro City, Marvel Team-Up, Punisher, Son of M, She-Hulk, Wolverine, Violent Messiahs, Goblin Lord, Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, Lenore, Fray, Batman:Year One, Generation Next, The Phantom Stranger, Good Ol' Boys, Fury, and Sandman.
Jesse Custer.