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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Peace, I come in the name of Queen Just-I-C-Equality Earth Aka Queen Just. I rest in the Creamy City of Wisconsin many call it Milwaukee. I am a 25 year old student that hardly attends school...LOL. However I still manage to get all straight A's. Now What! Don't want Fafsa to get mad at me and take away that good ol loan/grant money from me, Now do I?... LMAO. I am in school for Buisness but I love Anthropology and Science...Now does that make any kind of sense?.... Yeah I know it doesn't. But I managed to make sense out of. I have a 6year old son that needs food/clothing/shelter. As much as I want to play around with fossils,keep my eyes glued to micrscopes and travel the world to study exotics cultures and such, Its not gonna pay the BILLS or feed my son! Anyway, I am a really down to earth person. I can be shallow yet very deep at the same time. I have my "Bitch" moments but most of the time I am very mellow, laid back and sweet. Some call me WITTY, and I agree and embrace that attribute. While others call me strange/weird because I spend some time alone in my bedroom and stare at the walls. I don't think I'm strange... I just like the Wall (LOL)Did I forget to mention what I represent... Yeah I did. Ok I am going to try to keep this short. Well, heres a picture of it... The Earth (Heeeeeeeeeeey) To give a brief explanation of why I represent "The Earth" is that just as she (Earth) does I bare, nourish, cultivate, and sustain life (Child). When I am moody I change like the seasons.Check out this Volcanic Eruption right here: We know that eruptions are caused by a build up lava.In some cases, after an eruption occurs the gases released create a foggy cloud that blocks the sun's light resulting in a drastic change in the earth's atmosphere/environment. Just like a woman or most women would be more proper to say, when there is a build up of emotional baggage we explode as well. We release all that heat/tension. Sometimes to the point where we affect the people we love and ourselves.When I am in the right state of mind (NOT being HARD-HEADED)my mind state is symbolic to the MOON. I reflect the divine order of the Righteousness (Supreme Mathematics). Just as the MOON relfects the beautiful, divine, essential (Get a load of these adjectives! LOL), flawless, guiding light of the SUN.That's it, That's Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The "MYSTERY GOD", OOOOOOOH SPOOKY!!!!!!! I wonder if that would ever happen?????? LOL.... I think NOT!!!!Take a look at this picture. I wonder if this is where all the confusion of who God is comes from. This "Freaky" Black Hole in our Universe.Or maybe the Confusion came from this image below... Someone must have looked at the Sun's horizon one day and got dilusional.You know What, I Found God.... and I am so EXCITED to share him with you. Want to see, Want to see! HERE HE IS....... Don't Freak Out OK.Now LETS BRAINSTORM for a Minute.Where did the Idea a "Spiritual Mystery God" come from???? Haaaaaaaaaaah.... I found out! and once again, I am most HAPPY to share that with you Just Watch... If you have time. *PLEASE WATCH* Zeitgeist - "The Origin Of Religion"

My Blog

Unlimited access to YOUR grant dollars!!!!

Greeting Fellow Spacers!In need of unlimited access to thousands of private, federal, and state grants? There are three main providers of grant money in the US and each of them have billions of dollar...
Posted by on Fri, 15 May 2009 10:58:00 GMT

What would YOU ask Barack Obama?

Peace to all and thank you for visiting my blog. I have an idea for a project that I plan to execute before elections if the opportunity presents itself. If not, afterward. (I actually think it will b...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 01:34:00 GMT

Is the black woman a BITCH?

Peace, Below is my big brotha's blog that I am cosignN. It is greatly appreciated and very much needed! I fast that there are more brothas out there that strive to protect the Black, Br...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 15:34:00 GMT

My Article on Original Thought Magazine

Peace My Fellow Myspace Friends,Are you a registered user for Original Thought Magazine yet?? If not become one. It is really easy to sign up and it's free. What you do is go to originalthoughtmag. co...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 21:43:00 GMT

Cream City’s Parliament 8/17/08

Peace and Blessings to my U-N-I-Versal Family,The Nation of God's and Earth's/5% in Cream City will be holding the first Universal Parliament of the year on Sunday, August 17th at 2pm. Our focus ...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 18:04:00 GMT

Todays Math 5/27/08

Today's Math is Wisdom God all being born to Born. 2+7=9I cee todays math as lifes purpose is to bring forth lifes purpose. Wisdom is the light in which travels in order to give birth to the continua...
Posted by on Tue, 27 May 2008 06:32:00 GMT

Todays Math 5/25/08

Peace, Today's Supreme Mathematics is Wisdom Power all being born to God. (2+5=7)   *Wisdom is a manifestation of one's knowledge *Power is one's ability to do something in which enabl...
Posted by on Sun, 25 May 2008 00:05:00 GMT

Today’s Mathematics 5/22/08

Today's math is wisdom wisdom all being born to culture.I cee today's mathematics as wisdom dominating wisdom in order to be victorious. At times I find my self getting caught up in other peoples wisd...
Posted by on Thu, 22 May 2008 15:10:00 GMT

Productivity is key to Sucess/The Power of the Subconsious

Peace Everybody, Before I get started with my writing, I would like to give a break down of today's mathematics so that every one (Non NGE Myspace Friends) can follow along as well. The Nation of God'...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 00:42:00 GMT

Message from Self Kingdom & True Cream City Builders

Please read all of this, not just bits and pieces. This is of the upmost importance for those in region 7...:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O />........ Regional Conferences are implemented for various reason...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 14:50:00 GMT