Here's some shit you might want to know about me:
-My nails grow abnormally fast
-I'm obsessive compulsive when it comes to opening a pack of cigarettes. There's a very specific process that needs to happen, otherwise...I don't know but I can't imagine it would be a good thing.
-I haven't seen my hair it's natural color in at least 12 years.
-I stand up for the little guy...unless it's a really little guy. I'm deathly afraid of midgets. They walk funny.
-I just started farting in front of people. It's pretty liberating.
-I burp louder and longer than most men I know.
-I'm very easily annoyed.
-I don't stand up for myself.
-I'm a Daddy's Girl. Which could also mean I'm a Mommy's Girl since my Dad was both my Mom and my Dad...which reminds me...
-My Dad can beat up your Dad. But he wouldn't, cause he's too cool.