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I am a 40 yr old mother of 2 children. Shina & Zac. My son is 19 & he LOVES sports, Football and Baseball and he is really good at them too, if I say so myself. Zac is a pretty good kid and doesn't give me to much trouble. Love ya Baby Boy. Zac who wants to be called Zachary...LOL is my Baby Boy. No matter how old he gets that is the way it is. He is head strong and stuborn and I have no idea where he gets it from. LOL
My daughter Shina who is 22. Shina is my first born and she is a great kid who just needs to figure out what she wants to do with her life. She tries to act all tough and like she is something she is not but she is a good girl for the most part, she does have a temper and it gets the best of her sometimes. She says she does all these things but she really doesnt.
The kids are my whole life, I love them with everything I am, They are the meaning to my life. They are first and foremost in my life When I am not with them there is a HUGE HOLE in my heart. I can only hope that I have did my job as a Mom to prepare them for what is out there. They both are spoiled and like the finer things in life, I mean that seems to be normal for kids their ages. LOL
I live in Decatur, Arkansas most all of my life and that is where my whole family lives, well most of my family on my Momma Joann's side of the family anyway known as The Owens clan..LOL I have not seen most of my family in a long time but I hear they are all doing pretty well. Most of the family still lives in Decatur, but there are a few of us scattered across the country. My moms side of the family lives in North West Arkansas with My Dad whom I love with all my heart and think of all the time even though I do not get to see him hardly at all is Joe Johnson. My brother Kenny Johnson, my Aunt Pat and her daughters Brenda and Margaret they and their families. My Granny B as well. I Love my family more than they could know. Each and every one of them. Brenda is my Best Friend in the USA & Carrie is my Best Friend in Austrailia. I miss both of them HEAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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UPDATE I now work for Million Air FBO at Drake Field in Fayetteville, Arkansas. I have moved back home and am loving every minute of it. OK well not every minute but most every minute. I am doing the same job that I did in AZ at the FBO there and I LOVE MY JOB. My heart is sad because right now my son is in AZ and I am now in AR, this was a very hard decision to make...to leave BHC & move back to Decatur but as hard as it was it was easy because my mom is here in Arkansas and is sick so I know my son will be alright without me until he can decide what he wants to do if it is to move home and take some classes here and try to play baseball at one of the University's in the area or whatever he may decide. But I MISS him with ALL my heart & hope that he will come back soon. But even if he decides not to I know he will be alright he is a great kid and will go so far in this life.
I am so looking forward to this new chapter in my life. I have had so many different ones one day I am going to write a book about my life. The truth is stranger than fiction that is for sure. Bob who is the man I have lived with for almost 7 years is also still in Bullhead. He wants to wait to move here until he finds a job in radio and we are able to have our own place. It is hard to have 2 families under one roof so for now Bob is in Bullhead & I am here. He is looking for a job so if anyone knows of anything in radio here in Arkansas Please let me know. I miss being able to talk to him at the end of the day about our day, but we have the phone & the funny thing about that is we get along so much better on the phone. Funny how that works but it is true for us. We work well together on projects but our conversations are so much more meaningful when on the phone. Hum, makes one wonder sometimes..LOL
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I try to have a positive attittude and be upbeat that way people around me will at least get a smile on their face from me....LOL The guys at the FBO tell me I am to nice. I just try to play it forward. If I smile and am nice to others then maybe just maybe they will smile at someone and/or be nice to the next person. Yeah I know I am strange...LOL Just ask my kids they will tell ya. I think that it is very important to treat people the way you would like to be treated. No matter what. I know I have done some things in life that were wrong & I am not proud of at all, but I have learned from it and moved on and tried to make a better life. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. But one can never give up ya just have to keep trying every day to make it better than the day before.
I am a HUGE Denver Bronco fan as well as a New England Patriots fan. Even BIGGER Red Sox Fan. I am not the typical girl I HATE to shop but I love sports I am a HUGE fan and I love to watch it. I know am a pretty boring person I do not drink & never will, I do not take drugs & never will, I am a home body who would rather be home than out in a club or off spending money.
Jason Veritek is just YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!
Oh how I Love this Man.
Elway...The GREATEST QB of all time to me & that is all that matters!!!!!
Teddy Bruschi....Gotta Love this man!!!!!!!!!!
Dreamy :)
All I can say for this guy is DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!! Another YUMMY
Another one of my FAV...
I am not materalistic and having the best of things does not matter to me. I am happy with what I have and can make due with it. I do not have to have my hair done or have anything fancy or my nails done. I guess if you like that sort of thing and can afford it more power to ya. But I know of better things I can do with my money. I guess I am from a dying breed because everyone I know seems to like that sort of thing it was just never my cup of tea...LOL I do not think I am better than anyone else I do not look down my nose at anyone. What I have is mine and I have worked hard for it. I had help along the way from my Mom and years ago from my brother and my dad, and even my sister in law when we moved here to AZ. Will I ever be rich....No but I am rich in something else besides $$$, I have family and friends that love me and $$ can not buy true Love. Not love because you buy them something or love because they think they owe you but REAL Love. Love that is unconditional. Love that has no boundries.
I do my best to get along with everyone and I HATE DRAMA. But no matter what it does seem to find me. Some people thrive on Drama and I just have enough already I do not need anymore. If you walked a day in my shoes you would know why...LOL If it ain't one thing it is another..LOL I guess that is just the way my life is ment to be.
Anyway that is my life in a nutshell. There is not enough room on this thing for me to put everything. But whatever ya wanna know just ask me, I am an open book I'll tell ya whatever ya wanna know. :) You can IM me at [email protected] or [email protected]. I have an AIM messenger too.
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My Interests

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I am interested in anything and everything that my children do and say. I think they are the most important individuals and they will always come first and foremost in my life. No one will ever be more important to me than my children and I can not forget my mom. LOL

I am an avid sports fan, I like to learn something new every day, and I like to watch people. Just have a long list of things that I like to do but my memory is not as good as it used to be so I can't list the things I do like....LOL

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I am also begining to become very interested in my family. I have been somewhat a wild child most of my life doing things that some people do not understand or approve of but I love my family. Each and every member of it and I think that my Grandparents would have wanted us to have been close and it is a shame that after they passed away that the family was not as close anymore. I have cousins I have not seen in years and their children and even the childrens children. I know that Grandpa Ike and Grandma Irene would not have wanted us to grow so far apart. It is a shame. I hope to find out about both sides of my family really. I am also distant with the family on my Dads side of the family so I have to get my act together. LOL I am trying.

So if you are family Please add me, contact me, if you know any of my family do the same. I am an open book and wear my heart on my sleeves. So lets get to know each other and see if we can get this family back to where it was a long time ago.

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I have lots of different interests in a varity of things I just have limited time to do anything. I like to read, I like to learn, I liked painting ceramics, I want to begin working on scrapbooks for the kids so they can have something cool with all their pictures in it and different things that they have done in their lives.

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I am one who likes all kinds of music. The vast spectrum from Easy Listening, Classical, Country, Soft Rock, Jazz, just about anything & everything. I just have not been able understand Heavy Metal or some of the Rap, just not into that. But there is some of it that I like, but not to much. I am to old I guess.....LOL


I am not a big movie person, I usually wait until they come out on DVD and then we buy them, I like most everything except Horror Movies. I just can not watch them for some reason. Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Wizard of OZ
Monty Python but you have to watch it a couple of times to get the British humor or at least I did...LOL
Pirates of the Carribbean
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Just to name a few. I am easily amused. LOL But I do not like the real stupid Comedies like Jackass.


Well lets see I like to watch
Rescue Me
2 & 1/2 Men
Las Vegas
All the CSI's
Crossing Jordan
Dirty Jobs
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Discovery Channel
History Channel
National Geographic
Trick my truck on CMT,
Grey's Anatomy
Criminal Minds
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I am sure there are a lot more I am sure I am missing but I like to watch TV...LOL

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I am not reading anything right now but I like books that are autobiographical, non fiction, I am not into Fantasy or Fiction really except I do like the Harry Potter Series and Lord or the Rings. I want to read things that are true and real. I should read more but I just do not seem to have the time.


Well my Momma is my biggest hero of course. She is such a wonderful person and I love her with all my heart. She has spoiled me rotten...LOL
My Momma gave up so much for me there were times that she would do without just in order for me to have something I wanted. I may have not really needed it but she always made sure I had things no matter what. Even as I grew older she was always there for me. My Momma now has Cancer and has been through so much in just the past few years. Her will inspires me to try to do better with my life and to live in a way that I think would make her proud. I can only hope that I make her proud and that she truely knows just how much that I love and admire her.
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My son Zac is also my hero, he is a good kid who just forgets where he came from. He wants to be rich and have things but he doesnt know just how hard one has to work in order to get it. Although sometimes he is hateful and mean I know that he has a heart of gold and would never hurt anyone intentionally. He has done some pretty stupid things in his short life but I can only hope that he has learned from them. All I know I have done the best I could do in raising the little shit head...LOL
Shina and Zac are both the greatest kids & I could never have asked for better. Even though they have this mean side to them, and they forget that they are just 2 kids from a small town farm family, they are not to bad of kids. I hope that they know just how much their Mamma Dukez loves them.
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My Blog

Road Trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am taking a road trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A LONG ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I an SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah & DO NOT TELL my Mom that we are coming it is a surprise. Well she kind...
Posted by Dawn on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 09:12:00 PST

2007 Academy of Country Music Awards

Well I went to the ACM awards and let me tell you I had a blast. I was able to meet some awesome performers and get to speak with many of them as well as Top reporters of the business. Looking forward...
Posted by Dawn on Thu, 17 May 2007 12:06:00 PST

New Owners

Just wanted to let everyone know if you had been wondering where I have been, some of you may not care...LOL But for those of you that do......Our old company was bought out.....yes that is correct, w...
Posted by Dawn on Sat, 05 May 2007 11:41:00 PST

The Right to Choose.....New concept to me...LOL

Some people may think this is weird but I have to vent. I was raised with Very Strict Morals and Very High Ethics. I know it is easy to give in to things that feel good or feel right but are not ...
Posted by Dawn on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 09:23:00 PST

Reflection..must ramble

Well there is so much going on in my life right now I have no clue as to where to begin and I have to get them out. LOL Thanks to Karla and her blog it makes me think I need to do one too..LOL Well th...
Posted by Dawn on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 12:26:00 PST

Loss of my Dearest friend

I do not want to type to much right now since I am at work. For whatever reason I was not able to post a blog this morning I could only post a bulletin. I lost my very dear friend yesterday his ...
Posted by Dawn on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 01:46:00 PST

Pain in the butt Pilots

Ya know there are just times that I wish I could reach across my desk here at work and slap some pilots who think that just because they have a license to fly an aircraft that they are better than me ...
Posted by Dawn on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 10:04:00 PST

Day One and Two of my trip...kinda long

Well just cause there is something to write about in my life for now I will let ya'll know what happened the first couple of days of my trip...LOL Like anyone really cares but oh well it gives me comp...
Posted by Dawn on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 09:22:00 PST

Day One and Two of my trip...kinda long

Well just cause there is something to write about in my life for now I will let ya'll know what happened the first couple of days of my trip...LOL Like anyone really cares but oh well it gives me comp...
Posted by Dawn on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 09:22:00 PST

Copy of FYI

Well I have not blogged in awhile and I am getting ready for a trip so I thought that maybe I should blog it too. Just wanted to let those of you who may not know by now that I will be leaving on 10/...
Posted by Dawn on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 05:16:00 PST