My favorite things in life are: Politics, BOXED WINE, hanging out w/the best of friends, watching cheesy lifetime movies, hanging out w/my brother (eating junk food and playin' TW05 or Madden), honking my horn and waving to random people, spicy foods, having a lime with my vodka cranberry, lying in bed with my roomies, singing to myself in the car, the color black...but not black clothes, the way it smells when it rains, the name "Guy", new underwear, painting my nails, picking out a perfume based on what i'm wearing, naming my cars(the one i have now is shirley)....the simple things are what makes me happiest.
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Iron and Wine, Damien Rice, Jack Johnson, 3 Doors Down, The Shins, Dispatch, OAR, Postal Service, John Butler Trio, The New Pornographers, The Decemberists, 78 Saab, Death Cab for Cutie, Ben Lee, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Air Traffic, Midnight Movies, Regina Spector, Zero 7, Death Cab, Rilo Kiley, The Fratellis, Sia, Razorlight, Midlake,ok go, Saosin
Sideways, Fried Green Tomatoes, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Office Space, Run Lola Run, RENT, Wag the Dog, Lost in Translation, SHOP GIRL
House, ER, Nip/Tuck, Iron Chef, Curb your enthusiasm, Sopranos, Golden Girls, AB FAB, Dirty Jobs with the sexy Mike Rowe!