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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

My name is John and i've been described as funny, sweet, hyper, laid back, nice. I tend to like everyone that i meet, it might be one of my downfalls. I bought a house in n.e. a few years ago that i live in with a couple of roommates and my dog sarge. I've worked for my family's construction business my entire life; we have garden centers, landscaping division, irrigation division, and a christmas wreath division. My job includes many activities; engineering irrigation systems, managing constructions crews/personal, and managing one of or warehouses during our christmas wreath season. I've been skateboarding and snowboarding my entire life. I use to compete in competetions when i was younger but it's something that i do just for fun now. it's a good way to get exercise and hang with your friends. You can find me on weekend nights at a bar in n.e. or downtown at grumpys shooting pool and darts.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I love ladies with dark hair!

My Blog

hHey, check me out in the yellow shirt!

the other day I was driving with my roommate matt and our friend corey thru downtown mpls. we stopped at a stop light off of washingtion and 3rd and noticed a group of fine looking ladies standing on ...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 19:05:00 GMT

pain is weakness leaving the body

pain is weakness leaving the body
Posted by on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 15:20:00 GMT


well that's no fun if it hurts to smile
Posted by on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 20:10:00 GMT