i'm lindsey. DRAG RACING IS MY LIFE. get the fuck over it already.
i know what i want...and i'm going to get it...watch.
success is a virtue. failure is not an option.
blow me...away.
Ok...here it goes. I am just a 20 year old woman. Walking in a broken road; towards all the dreams and all the goals that I have. Life has thrown many challenges against me. But somehow I always find a way to win. I always find a way to stand up and never quit. I live my life to the fullest and focus on myself for now. Focus on my job. Focus on racing. Focus on my education, so i can become a CPA, make a good living for myself and those around me so that someday I can become the woman I want to be. So I can someday provide my future family with everything that they may want. And to always give them what they need. Drag racing is a very important to me in my life. It keeps my head up and gives me something to strive for. I will be successful. Watch. I have failed many times, but I have learned that in this life, sometimes you can give it your everything and it will not be enough. But even though I have fallen, I always try to give my best shot. And I will always fight for what I believe is right. Even if everyone stands against me. I love working for what I want, and whoever stands in my way will be pushed aside. Yeah, I may not be perfect but that makes me, me! Life is what you make of it. Don't come into my life and try to change the things I do. I'm gunna smile and laugh and scream and shout. I'm gunna fight and rise up against all odds, all I will enjoy my stay here on this planet. Because tomorrow is not promised. The past will stay were it belongs. The future is closer and closer as every second passes by. And the present is that very short and amazing moment where everything comes together in what we all call our life. Am I happy with my life? Hell yeah i'm happy! And i thank all of you who have stayed by my side. I thank all of you who believe in me. I wouldn't be anything without the people that love me just as much as I love them. And those who love to point the finger, those who let go of me when thigns are going wrong, those who have tried to bring me down, those who have lied in my face, thank you for showing me that I don't need you in my life. Fuck you and your judgments. I'm better off without you. I am who I am, like it or not.
Top 10 Reasons to Date a Racer
1. They have strong fingers
2. They always know when to slow down and speed up
3. They have tremendous stamina and endurance
4. They always wear proper protection
5. They have the fastest 'lap' times
6. They know how to work their tools
7. They Love getting dirty
8. The harder and faster they go the better.
9. They know how to work around tight areas with ease
10. They're always practicing so they can become better
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