Many dead people... Not literally- I dont have some strange obsession with people who have passed on... But, like, famous people that are now dead.. but i f I could meet them when they were living that would be ideal: This list would include Jesus- Because I would like to know how distorted our picture of him is: hopefully it is really distorted, otherwise I would not much like to meet him. Also, C S Lewis, because I am sure we have messed up his image as well. John Lennon, George Harrison, Johnny Cash, Elvis, Mozart, Fritz Lang, Sinclair Lewis and, um, golly, this list would be huge... However, I think the real question is who I would like to meet here on myspace. Um, you. Now that that is settled, I would like to meet Paul, both McCartney and Simon. Ringo Starr would not be too bad to meet, either. Jack Bauer, Babbit, Joshua Araby, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment