"The only people you need in your life, are the ones who prove they need you in theirs."
I love you Kyle Christopher Wilkes, Thank you so much for always being there for me. You'll never know how much you've changed me- for the better. & you'll never know how much I appreciate you in my life. Alot of people dissapoint me, alot of people hurt me, alot of people lie to me and alot of people don't understand me- You'll never hurt me, never lie to me, and never dissapoint me & you're probably the only person who truly understands me & when I'm sad, it's you and only you that can make me happy again. You're the most amazing person Iv'e ever met, and I'm so lucky to have someone as special as you in my life and to be able to call you mine. i love you
"Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right & forget the ones that don't.
Believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it.Nobody said that it'd be easy; they just promised it'd be worth it. Fall in LOVE or fall in hate . Get insprired or be depressed. Speak the truth, or lie and cheat.Dance on tables or sit in the corner.LIFE IS DIVINE CHAOS.
Embrace it. FORGIVE YOURSELF, Breath..
& enjoy the ride.