~*sHaNnOn*~ profile picture


JeAlOusY iZ aN ilLnEsS sOo GeT wElL sOoN bItCh

About Me

WhAd It DoO mYsPaCe??? ThIs Is ThA pArT wHeRe I aM tO tElL yOu My WhOle LiFe StOrY bUt ThAt AiN't HoW iT iS gOnNa Go...I aM bAsIcAlLy ThA sAmE aS i WaS iN hIgHsChOol bUt ThInGs ArE cHaNgIn...I rEaLiZeD tHaT i WaSn'T aLl ThAt I wAs CrAcKeD uP tO bE aN hOnEsTlY iT wAsN't WoRtH iT...i Am CuRrEnTlY iN lOvE bUt YeT iN pAiN aT tHa SaMeTiMe, He KnOw WhO hE iS aN aLl i GoTtA sAy To HiM iS bEliEvE mE tHa TiMe WiLl CoMe aN i PrOmIsE tHiS tImE iT wIlL bE BeTtA fOr BoTh Of Us...I hAvE a LiL gIrL tHaT iS 5 yEaRs OlD aN sHe MeAnS tHa WoRlD tO mE...i WoUlD dO aNyThIn FoR...sHe Is In KiNdErGaRdEn...I aM CuRrEnTlY wOrKiN aT lEaSt 48 HoUrS a WeEk aN GoIn To CoLlEge...I aM bAsIcAlLy DoIn ThA dAmN tHiNg An LoViN eVeRy MiNuTe Of It...WhEn YoU fIrSt SeE mE yOu May ThInk ThAt I aM a B***h BuT hOnEsTlY oNcE yOu GeT tO kNoW mE i Am a ReAl KoOl AsS cHiCk ThAt JuSt LuVs To HaVe FuN...mY dAuGhTeR, fAmIlY aN fRiEnDs MeAn ThA wOrLd To Me An ThErE iS nOtHiN i WoUlDn'T dO fOr ThEm...BuT anYwAyZ i ThInK tHaT iS eNoUgH fOr NoW bUt If YoU wAnNa KnOw MoRe JuSt HiT mE uP cUz I aM aLWaYs LoOkIn To MeEt NeW pEoPlE aN mAkE nEw FrIeNdS... love layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments

My Interests

Name: Shannon
Birthday: December 18
Birthplace: Hartford
Current Location: Manchester
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: NaTuRaL oR nOw?
Height: 5'9"
Right Handed or Left Handed: RiGhT
Your Heritage: YoUr GuEsS iS aS gOoD aS mInE
The Shoes You Wore Today: AlL bLaCk AdIdAs
Your Weakness: BlAcK mEn
Your Fears: ClOwNs
Your Perfect Pizza: PePpErOnI, cHeEsE aNd HaMbUrGeR
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: TrY tO bE nIcEr To PeOplE
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: WhAzSuP?
Thoughts First Waking Up: DaMn, I gOtTa GeT uP nOw?
Your Best Physical Feature: EvErYtHiN
Your Bedtime: WhEnEvA
Your Most Missed Memory: NoT dOiN WhAt My HeArT tOlD mE iN hIgH sChOoL
Pepsi or Coke: Dr. PePpEr
MacDonalds or Burger King: BuRgEr KiNg
Single or Group Dates: SiNgLe
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: NeStEa
Chocolate or Vanilla: ChOcOlAtE aLl DaY eVeRyDay!!!!!!!
Cappuccino or Coffee: NeItHeR
Do you Smoke: WhAt?
Do you Swear: YuP
Do you Sing: In Da ShOwEr
Do you Shower Daily: YuP
Have you Been in Love: YeS
Do you want to go to College: YeS
Do you want to get Married: YeS
Do you belive in yourself: SoMeTiMeS
Do you get Motion Sickness: SoMeTiMeS
Do you think you are Attractive: YuP
Are you a Health Freak: NoPe
Do you get along with your Parents: NoPe
Do you like Thunderstorms: YuP
Do you play an Instrument: NoPe
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: YuP
In the past month have you Smoked: SmOkEd WhAt?
In the past month have you been on Drugs: WhAt ArE tHoSe?
In the past month have you gone on a Date: YuP
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: YuP
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Yup
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: NoPe
In the past month have you been on Stage: YuP
In the past month have you been Dumped: nONe
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: It'S wInTeR
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: WhAt FoR? I gOt A JoBbY jOb
Ever been Drunk: YuP
Ever been called a Tease: YuP
Ever been Beaten up: HeLl No
Ever Shoplifted: WhEn I wAs LiTtLe
How do you want to Die: WhAt TyPe Of QuEsTiOn Is ThAt?
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: CoRrEcTiOnS oFfIcEr
What country would you most like to Visit: BaRbAdOs, PuErTo RiCo An AnYwHeRe ElSe I "sUsPoSiVlY" dOn'T bElOnG...lOl
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: GrEeN
Favourite Hair Color: CrIsP bRaIdS
Short or Long Hair: LoNg
Height: 5'9" oR mOrE
Weight: MoRe ThAn Me
Best Clothing Style: GhEtTo FaBuLoUs
Number of Drugs I have taken: OnE
Number of CDs I own: LoSt CoUnT
Number of Piercings: TeN
Number of Tattoos: NoNe YeT
Number of things in my Past I Regret: NoThIn, CaUsE iF I wOuLd ThEn I wOuLdN't Do It

CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET ercolor=..efefef


HiP hOp, R&b, ReGgAe AnD rEgGaEtOn AlL dAy EvErYdAy


SaW oNe AnD tWo, BeLlY, dRuMlInE, fAsT aNd ThE fUrIoUs, BiG MoMmAs HoUsE, tAxI, lOvE aNd BaSkEtBaLl, YoU gOt SeRvEd, FrEdDy Vs. JaSoN, aNd Ya BaSiCaLlY kNoW wHaT i MeAn


In LiViNg CoLoR, sHiT iS hOt AnD nOtHiN wIlL eVa BeAt It (11Pm On BeT), FrEsH pRiNcE, rEaL wOrLd, CsI, iNkEd AnD wElL yOu GeT tHa PoInT


is your best friend? MeLaNiE aKa HoThAnDs
was your last kiss? He KnOwS wHo He Is (TuBbY)
loves you? My DaUgHtEr
owns your house? Me
bought the clothes you're wearing WhO eLsE bUt Me
town do you live in? MaNcHeStEr
are your pet peeves? PeOpLe WhO rUn ThEy MoUtH bUt DoN't BaCk It Up
are you wearing? WhItE wIfE bEaTeR aNd BoY uNdErWeAr
is your middle name? My MaMa'S NaMe
is you boyfriend/girlfriend's name? YoUr NaMe
are your piercings? AlL oVeR
are you right now? My BeDrOoM
were you at 12 noon today? GrOcErY sHoPpIn
do you sleep? My Bed
did you put your bookbag? In My CaR
was your first kiss? LoNg TiMe AgO
will you grow up? I tRy EvErYdAy
are you so weird? CaUsE iF i WaSn'T iT wOuLdN't Be Me
did you fail the test? I fOrGoT wE WeRe HaViN oNe
do fools fall in love? It Is A gOoD fEeLiN
many people live with you? Two, My DaUgHtEr AnD I
do you fix your hair? WiTh A bRuSh, CoMb AnD hAiRsPrAy
many hours do you spend on the computer? DePeNdS
often do you say i love you? EvErYdAy, My DaUgHtEr ShOuLd AlWaYs KnOw


My GrAnDmA cAuSe WiToUt HeR wHo KnOwS wHeRe I wOuLd Be

My Blog

FrOm Me To YoU...mY fIrSt TrU pOeM sTrAiGhT fRoM tHa HeArT...

All night I dream of you and in the morning thoughts of you still linger in my mind Never have I felt this way before and never shall I again you are the one my heart desires making me feel as if im ...
Posted by ~*ShAnNoN*~(iT's A bOy) on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 10:39:00 PST

FrEaK iN tHa BeD tEsT...i GoT a 61 OuT oF 65

Posted by ~*ShAnNoN*~(iT's A bOy) on Thu, 06 Apr 2006 08:35:00 PST


Mad Funny....Read IT! Body: A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed. He orders the guy out of bed an...
Posted by ~*ShAnNoN*~(iT's A bOy) on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 08:43:00 PST

My FaVoRiTe PoEm.....

Ghetto Luv Poem > > > >Gul I love you, >Skraight up Fo'Sho. >Or I wouldna told dem ova girls >not to call me no mo. > >I knewed it was true, >da first day I seenteded you. >Why you thank I do, >da tha...
Posted by ~*ShAnNoN*~(iT's A bOy) on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 09:03:00 PST

ain't this tha truth????

You Know You're From Connecticut When... You have hiked up a big hill or small mountain at least once for a keg party. You never went to a bar in high school. You thought that the only highways we...
Posted by ~*ShAnNoN*~(iT's A bOy) on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 11:31:00 PST

NoW tHiS iS wHaT i Am TaLkIn BoUt....HA, HA, HA.....

Pre-Booty Call Agreement PRE-BOOTY CALL AGREEMENT This pre-booty call agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is entered into on the 21st day of September, 2005, by____________________...
Posted by ~*ShAnNoN*~(iT's A bOy) on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 10:36:00 PST

You eva feel like this??????

Has there eva been a day where you feel like tellin everyone to leave you the fuck alone and it's cause somethin they did but then they wanna turn shit around on you?????
Posted by ~*ShAnNoN*~(iT's A bOy) on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 05:27:00 PST

Yeah baby I got this shit......can you??????

ONLY 99 PEOPLE CAN READ THIS. CAN YOU?i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, ...
Posted by ~*ShAnNoN*~(iT's A bOy) on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 10:29:00 PST