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Well... where do I start? I am married with two wonderful kids, Alyssa who is 12, she is my "star shine" and Daniel who just turned 2. he is my "heart". I have been married for 4 years and I love it!! Its not easy but what is?? All I know is that it seems that the HARDER our lives get, the STRONGER and CLOSER we become. Some of the things that we have been through would have broken up most couples...but for us, it made us realize that we are our own SUPPORT SYSTEM...and thats the way it should be;) I love having get togethers with friends and family. To me a full house is a happy house. I love everything "old Hollywood" I love the pinup girls of the 40's and 50's. I love a time when women didnt have to get completly naked to be sexy... its all about the curiousity. I love gangster movies, the Godfather, Goodfellas, Casino and Bonnie and Clyde, a classic! ;) I LOve my family and adore my friends... its who I am;) Im not perfect.. but how boring would that be? I have a selected number of friends... but the ones I have are TRUE friends...ones that have been there for years.... I have recently moved and as hard as it was, it was the best thing I could have done. I never was one who thought much of fact ,I hated it.... but I have learned that change can be a good thing. I love my family and I cherish Everyday I have with my husband and my kids...because tomorrow isn't promised. All my energy and love goes into making everyday count... Life can be fun!! So sit back and enjoy the Ride! We only get one ticket! ;)
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I Have had some Drama in my life ..I guess thats my CURSE, but in the pass months I have learned that life is too short to be BITTER and ANGRY all the time... SHIT like that eats at you from the inside....I just want to enjoy my friends and love my family... and pray for the ones that need it the most. In time... everything will be the way it was INTENDED TO BE.
MySpaceTV Videos: 'Change has come to America' by Decision08

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proud to be an american.... the change is here!!!

Check out this video: Change has come to America
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 23:01:00 GMT