~*~Mallory~*~ profile picture


~*~Reach for the Stars~*~

About Me

hey i'm mallory and i live in hamburg. most of you probably don't know where the heck that is but its a very small town in the middle of freakin nowhere! i am currently a freshman at CSS! i absolutely love it in duluth! wouldn't trade it for anything (well except for the fact that its really cold outside). i absolutely love to party and hang out with my friends. miss all my friends from back home but glad that i met the people that i did at school! Myspace Backgrounds

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My Interests

hanging out with my friends partying shopping talkin on the phone play volleyball
Life is Random...ask questions
Ocean or Lake? bothas long as i'm near the water
Pizza or Chinese? chinese!!!!
Mansion or Penthouse? both cuz that means i'm rich!
Have you been on a Jet Ski? yes
Are you afraid of clowns? no
How many brothers/sisters do you have? 2 annoying brothers
Favorite band/group? anything country it doesn't matter
Baseball or football? both
Favorite brand of makeup? don't matter
Waffles or pancakes? waffles
Do you have an IPod? no
Bike or scooter? scooter
Ever go in a hot air balloon? nope
How will you celebrate turning 21? get drunk!! duh
What brand computer do you have? gateway
How many times have you been to DisneyWorld? once
Favorite city? hamburg, MN
Ice cream or frozen yogurt? ice cream
Do you think you are fat? of course i'm a girl..who doesn't?
Ever throw up in a public place? ya
Do you have a pool? used to till it fell over in the wind
Ever drive a car? of course!
How many times a month do you go to the movies? once or twice
Last movie you saw? click
Who is your hero? my parents
How old are your parents? both are 41
What deceased person would you like to meet? my greatgrandparents
Do you chew ice? only if its really hot
Have you been to California? nope
Last book you read? one for school
Favorite teacher? ms. street soon to be mrs. kroells...my new cousin!
Do you like to go fishing? ya of course
How many boyfirends/girlfriends have you had? a few
How many of those do you regret? one or two
What is you average in school? 3.98
Favorite professional team? teams from MN
Do you like mohawks? no
How many pairs of shoes do you own? a lot
Do you floss? yes
Do you have braces? used to
Do you bite your nails? yes
What is your last thought before falling asleep? damn i gotta get up tomorrow
Do you fall in love easily? yes
Ever have a crush and they never knew? yep
Do you babysit? not anymore
Ever been shot at? by friends with airsoft guns yea
Do you work out/exercise? yes
Do you have 6 pack abs? omg no
Do you consider yourself nice? ya if i like the person
What movie character would you like to be? dunno
Do you go to camp for the summer? no
Ever been bit by a snake? no
Have you been on a boat? of course i live in the land of 10,000 lakes!
Name of friend you have known the longest? Mandy
Do you like jumping on a trampoline? yes especially at katie's house
Ever break a bone? yep
Name of favorite Aunt/Uncle? Darren
What is your ultimate job? something where i get paid to do nothing
Do you want to walk on the moon? not really
Can you name the seven dwarfs? ya
Favorite TV show? the hills or laguna beach
Apples or oranges? either
Favorite model of car? any kind of truck
Favorite flower? roses
Favorite color? red
Besides family, ever have someone of the opp sex in your bedroom? oh yea!
Ever climb out your bedroom window? nope
Do you live in an apartment or house? house
How many times in the last month have you had the hiccups? too many times
Ever laugh so hard milk came out your nose? no
How many cousins do you have? too many to count
Do you believe in ghosts? yes and no
If you were a bird, what would you be? what kinda question is that?
If you could, would you want to know what your future was going to be? no
How many kids do you want to have? 2-3
&..39;If you could change your name, what would it be?' i love my name
Dogs or cats? cats
Who do you tell your problems to? katie
Who can your tell your secrets to and know they wont tell? katie
Do you believe in love at first sight? yes
Do you go to church? when i have time
Would you marry outside your religon? yes
Volleyball or tennis? volleyball
How many people were at your last party? quite a few
Ever ride in a limo? yes
Ever drink champagne? yes
Favorite dinner? soup and noodles!!


I'd like to meet:

Anyone who interests me


i absolutely love country music! i go to Winstock in Winstead every year and it is an absolute blast, especially when it rains and you can have mud fights (right mandy and katie?)


Finding Nemo would have to be my favorite movie! ya it may be a little kid movie but i think it is just the cutest thing ever!


i love watching CSI and my roommate and i love COPS! its a great show! lol