VaNeSSeRz profile picture


HEYYYY... wheres the LIQUOR at???

About Me

CLICK HERE TO GET A PRE-MADE MYSPACE LAYOUTAbout me.... lets see... i see myspace as an opportunity to meet new people so leave a message or whatevers.. i'm all about networking right now.. i'm a dork.. i love to have fun, go out, party, chill.. havent been partying much lately, everyones been doing their own thing- and me and my "ride or die" chick have been too tired to do the scene.. plus, i cant fit into my old clothes anymore and i'm too poor to afford new ones (actually, i'm just in denial. i'm hoping that one day i'll be able to fit into it again). i'm not the most patient person in the world but i'm also not the most impatient person either... i'm very plain and simple. i like the better things in life but i can be happy with just the simplier things. i've heard that "trouble follows me everywhere i go" but i can definately say that if you don't try to start something, nun wont get started. (duh?) i'm currently at KSU right now pursuing my bachelors in management. i've finally managed to get into the program and after this semester, i'll only have 5 classes left. God willing, i'll be graduating Spring 07'. i'm a fast paced individual- i hate people who take their time because theyre wastin my time (yea i know, dayem!) i love challenges and money (which is one reason why i chose that major). i'm finally moving out of the house.. first time out- lets see how much weight i lose.. LOL. my BESTEST friend and I will be roommates. yay!!! I'm happy. Finally got a new job. Always in and out of jobs but i'm mad at myself that i ever left waitin tables. I make so much more in one week than i ever did in two weeks at Best Buy!! we'll see how things continue to go..Get premade layouts from Myspace Layouts +
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cool people!!


HIP HOP... LOVE MY SOUTHERN RAP but i can do anything... country jams to slow winding