Jacob Zimmerman profile picture

Jacob Zimmerman

About Me

My name is Jacob Zimmerman. I am an Amish man from Pennsylvania Dutch Country / Lancaster County. I enjoy the quite life. I am fond of barn raises and re-shoeing horses. I read the bible everyday and live by it closely. I have a strong coummunity tie. I do not have a t.v. or radio. Please dont tell any one about my page, I have snuck into town and use the "English" computer. My family would be very uset with me if they found out. I get up around 4:30 am every day to start my chours. I churn butter and help in the feilds. I also enjoy a nice ride in my buggy on a warm summers day. I hand dip my own candles. Some days I help my Uncle Amos carve and build tables and chairs. I don't believe in playing music. Playing an instrument would be "worldly." It is contrary to the spirit of "Glassenheit" (humility), and would stir up the emotions of those who are involved. I have 3 horses and 2 mules to help me in the feild. Some nights I sit by the fire and roast hard corn, but only when I have free time.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Sarha Fischer....she knows how to knit a quilt...if you know what i mean!

My Blog

it begins

a shadow was drawn along the back of  the dimly lit hill side, as the dragon turned his long scaley head towrd the western skies.  he had been waitin for hours, which now seemed as days, for...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 03:11:00 GMT