Dr. Schick profile picture

Dr. Schick

Kids should practice autographing baseballs. This is a skill that's often overlooked in Little Leagu

About Me

"Dr. Schick is shaping the minds of America's youth, running a DIY food co-op and delivery service, climbing mountains (or at least facsimilies of them,) winning stages of the Tour de France and finishing it all off with a trackstand. Voted #1 Liar" by a panel of Cambodian children and "best traveling/eating/music dorking friend" by me." - George W. Bush, 10/4/06

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My Interests

Baseball, football, running, cycling, photography, politics, hold 'em. Oh yeah, and IU basketball!
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I'd like to meet:

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Robert Kennedy. (and AJ Moye...)



Everything. Seriously


&nbsp &nbsp
Patton, Shawshank Redemption, Good Will Hunting, Apocalypse Now, Dumb & Dumber


Lost, Greys, The Daily Show, 60 Minutes, and the 24-hour news cycle.


"The Greek Way" by Edith Hamilton. Read It.


RFK quoting Aeschylus - "And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God."