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Trevizzle ®

Sarcasm..... It's only one of the services I offer!

About Me

| View Show | Create Your OwnAbout me: Okay, let’s see….. My name is Jerry Trevino, I’m originally from Fresno CA (born and raised). My mom brought my family “kicking and screaming” to Houston TX when I was 15. Okay, anyway, I went to Milby High School in the Southeast side of town until 11th, and graduated in Alma (Alturnative) High School, started working at the tender age of 16… I started working at JCI (James Cooney Island) for 2 years., JCI was what the guys called it, to make it sound more important…. freakin’ losers lol! After that, I got a job at this little bull shit paint company named Fuller O’Brian (I wasn't going to say). After approx. five name changes and approx. 60 million dollars in upgrades, not to mention relocating to the northwest side of Houston. It turned out to throw out some pretty interesting challenges. Ultimately, with a little sucking up, and a few job titles later hehehe…. (What? WHAT!!!!)… Anywho, I’ve managed to build a career and a nice little nest egg for myself. Not to mention some credibility. I’m proud to say that I’ve only had 2 jobs in my life.
..Sports: Big Time 9er Fan! Win, lose or tie… I’m a 9er til I die!!! LIKE WOOOOT!!. Astro’s and Rockets…. dey i-aight… Stro’s need to rebuild…. Rocket need to get Yao out of town….. weak ass…Sarcasm: With time you will find that I am a very sarcastic person . sarcasm itself is great, it's very useful. Given the chance, I'll make you weep at your own stupidity. Its especially good when somebody says something stupid. People often take my sarcasm as being rude or mean. Im not. Its just how I am. I tend to tease people with my sarcasm. Just suck it up. You'll learn to love it with time. After reading this entire thing, you're probably saying "this freakin’ guy talks a lot about himself", I really don't (but also keep in mind this is your "about me" section, so you're SUPPOSED to talk about yourself). I wrote this as detailed as possible that way I won't get emails asking me to describe myself (which I hate), because after all, everything about me could be summed up in the paragraphs above. I guess thanks for...reading. Those were 6 minutes of your life you'll never get back. .. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

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I'd like to meet:

Ms Salma Hayak... Just because...

Scarlett Jo-Hottie... Need I say more....The man... The myth... The incomparable Eddie Vedder. Pearl Jam front man....A genius. Jon Stewart is the man!..
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