Welcome 2 the Official Aristotle the Skull MySpace Page. Aristotle is Pleased that you took time out of your busy schedual and dropped by! He is presently releasing his newest single entitled "The Amazing Skull" on Allen & Grace /Skull Entertainment. You can listen to it right here on myspace. You can purchase Aristotle's current album "BloodSport:The Official Business 2ND Edition" wherever legitiment online music is sold: (itunes,Rhapsody,Emusic, Amazon.com,Yahoo music ...)
Aristotle The Skull new album "The Young & The Wild" will be out 7/29/09 (GOD Willing)
Aristotle The Skull BIO
Aristotle the Skull hails from South West Atlanta, GA better known as the S.W.A.Ts. Aristotle has been a part of the Atlanta entertainment scene since the 90's. As a high school student attending North Side High School (North Atlanta) Schools Of The Performing Arts and Avondale High School Of The Performing Arts, Aristotle knew performing was going to be his life-long passion. After doing some local TV work on Atlanta's Fox 5 (WAGA), It was time for Aristotle to go to the next level.
After graduating, Aristotle submersed himself into the underground music and dance scene. After being in a couple of bad recording contracts, Aristotle decided to put his life and career in GOD's hands and take a walk of faith. Aristotle set up Skull Entertainment and his own production company called "Skull Technology & Sciences." With a new entertainment and production company in high demand, the decision to put his faith in
GOD's hands was the best decision Aristotle says he's ever made!!!
"Our Time on Earth is so short, we must be the best we can be 4 the Lord and not get caught up in the business of gettin money, hoes, clothes... Please consider giving your life 2 the Lord if U haven't already, GOD Bless U"
---Aristotle the Skull