(E.+.K) Tommy "Big" Baby profile picture

(E.+.K) Tommy "Big" Baby

I'm Her Big Baby

About Me

~Kool Point~Nobody reads this stuff anymore....so it's whatever.

But what's up anyway people? I'm ya boy Kool aka Tomas aka Tommy Baby aka Tommy Da Pillow.

I'm in a rap group, Kingz Mob....I rap solo, E.T.Kool. Look around for the banners and pics, click and add em.

I'mma be famous soon..cuz I got it like that.

I talk alot...about straight nonsense, just to make chat...mad krazy, but always kool towards everybody.

All you gotta do is get at me.

Enjoy the music, pics and videos. Show some love or somethin....don't be useless

Movin Along

My Interests

Funny Stuff, Music, Girls and Video Games.......

I'd like to meet:

Everybody...gonna be a celebrity real soon...


I love all music...there's just certain songs I don't feel


Anything that's funny, or has fight scenes...I hate scary movies


Family Guy, Futurama, Full Metal Alchemist, CSI, The Corner....anything that's on


Harry Potter, Mack Bolan, relationship stuff


Positive people...not many that I can look up to other then the ones that paved the way for me....I'm tryin to pave my own way now

My Blog

Myspace Divorce Issue.....borrowed from Jay

Mysapce has been the spot of many laughs with me and my boys....but we've noticed that it only wastes time....The comments make me smile and laugh, but in the end, it's only internet.  For those ...
Posted by Tommy Da Pillow on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 07:25:00 PST


I just wanted to say....No pic, No chat.  I'm pretty sure ya'll understand that.....No pic....no chat...Oh, the pics I put up, strictly for fun, so chill.
Posted by Tommy Da Pillow on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 07:49:00 PST

I hope this title catches your attention....because it's Awesome...Mmmm

Ok, Ok, Ok, since your in here, might as well finish.  I just want you to know that I am a music artist, and if you got the time, and want to hear some good stuff, check out these sites.....Kingz...
Posted by Tommy Da Pillow on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 08:51:00 PST