I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much to everyone who has left messages/comments on my page!!! You have no idea how much I love reading them and it's so nice to hear from some of you that I haven't seen in years!!!!! I absolutely love it and thank you all SO much!!! =D
Yep, that’s right- we're having a baby (!!!!!!!!) and Justin (aka “The Turd’ in my top 8; oh yeah, I’m having the Turds baby) is the one to snag this prime womb real estate. Justin & I have made a tiny little hybrid and I’ve gone from Playboy model to incubator. =p Currently (8/10/06), we’re only at 9 weeks, so we’re heading towards the end of the dreaded (and with every damn good reason) first trimester. “BOO first trimester morning sickness, HOORAY finally growing boobs!†(love the red stripe commercials).
We could literally not be more excited!!!
My next doctors appointment is coming up in the next couple of weeks we’re hoping to find out then if it’s a girl or boy, needless to say Justin wants a little Buckeye in the worst way. If Justin’s will to have a boy has anything to do with it then there’s no hope for a girl, he already has a little set of golf clubs, Buckeyes footy pajamas, amongst other little boy items. As long as it doesn’t come out with his horrifying feet fighting every inch of the way I’ll be thrilled boy or girl!
This is what we have going on this week.
- Baby has begun movement - While still too small for you to feel, your little one is wriggling, shifting, and dancing already! Makes you almost wish for a window to peek in whenever you want! Most joints are formed now - and trust that your little one is practicing bending and flexing. Fetus will curve its fingers around an object placed in the palm of its hand - This is amazing to see! At only nine weeks, if you happen to have an ultrasound, you may observe your infant fascinated by everything he or she can lay their fingers on (mainly other fingers, toes, ears and nose! Fingerprints are already evident in the skin Average size this week -- length 0.9 inch (2.3cm), weight 0.07 ounce (2gm)
Justin calls it our little bean because its size is comparable to a bean, at least for now. So there will be (hopefully) frequent updates on our little bean from here on out.
***New updates/photos!!!!!***
Well we're heading into the 14th week. We've had a lot going on lately, we took Bean to his/her first Buckeyes game (the season opener), it was my first Buckeyes game too and it was awesome!!
We have our doctors apt. tomorrow (9/11) to hear the heartbeat for the first time!!! We both have bad colds, argh. I of course got mine first and decided to share with Justin 0=), that's just the kind of lady I am ;P. My dad had an angioplasty and his grandfather had to go to the ER, but everyone (besides Justin & I & our colds) is a-okay now!!! We had our first ultrasound about a week ago!
Here's our little beans big debut!!!!!
8/22 1st ultrasound 11.5 weeks
Your baby is 3.42 inches (8.7cm) long and weighs about 1.52 ounces (43 grams) - approximately the weight of a letter!
So that's our little bean!
We had a big day yesterday (9/9)... Justin (cost analyst at AEP) volunteered to dress up as "Louie the Lightning Bug" (the AEP mascot, from the commercials where the little cartoon bug sings "gotta stay away from electricity" you know the one that's been running since we were 4 years old, yeah that one) at the Crew soccer game and play against the other mascots at half time; well he did a great job and I got some great pics which I will post soon I promise, he made a goal but got his antennas stuck in the net and they had to untangle him to get him out- it was hilarious!!!!
We've reached the point where I'm pretty much starving all the time, that is normal- not normal is only wanting HoHo's, Cookies & Cream Ice Cream, Donuts, Buckeyes (as in the yummy chocolate covered gobs of peanut butter), Pop Tarts, Peanut Butter M&M's, Cupcakes, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Kirspy Kreme, and the list goes on and on (and yes I realized I capitalized all of those because they matter that much to me, like holidays, religious figures and proper nouns).
We'll keep you posted!!
**9/29 New Updates!!**
More Belly pictures!! End of the 4th month =) *********
Now for a little perspective. I know my belly is not that big, although I feel like I'm 9 months pregnant instead of only 5, BUT lets do a little side by side comparison of where this belly started out 5 months ago compared to now.... ***********
Yeah... so, um- yeah. =p
New Updates!!!! 10/28
So much has happened since my last update! We can now feel the baby the move, Justin felt it for the first time this past Wednesday during "The Nine"!! We've of course gone to more Buckeyes games. We've sadly had several deaths in Justins family and his Grandfather had a stroke but is recovering. We close on a house this week and start moving!!!! It's just what we'd been looking for for the past 3 months and we love it (pictures soon to come)! I've gained a little over 20 lbs! Justin got me the best birthday present ever; he got me a package at an ultrasound place where we got a half hour ultrasound session in 4D, a DVD of it to keep and about 40 pictures, it was great!!!! AND we found out what we're having....
IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!! Sooooo... here are some pics (actually a lot of pics- all of the ultrasound pics are from last week; week 20)....
Justin, of course, added this little thought bubble... he's so eloquent =p
2D profile
little hand
tiny little foot
little yawn
belly pic- week 18
belly pic- week 18 (and one of our cats... Lola)
Us at the Buckeyes vs Bowling Green game
belly pic- last week- week 20
belly pic- last week- week 20
belly pic- last week- week 20 belly pic- last week- week 20
our beautiful cat- Drippy (named after Aqua Teen Hunger Force, the episode with the mold blob; she had a tooth infection and drool problem- kinda like Justin- when we got her). She's mommy's girl.
our adorable little Lola, she loooooves Justin, she's a daddy's girl.
My beautiful Baby Bogart & me!!!!
Ok, so this is a few months old, but I LOVE it, definitely one of my favorites of us!!!
So that's all for now! I'll be putting the pictures of our new house up in the next few days, maybe another belly picture or two, right now that's all it takes for my belly to grow exponentially. Check back soon!!!
*** 3/2 Updates & New pictures!!!! ***
I’m due tomorrow, Saturday 3/3!!!!!! I know it’s been a long time since I updated this- I’M SORRY!!! Between moving, the holidays, and getting ready for the end of this pregnancy, we’ve just been so busy, so here are all the pictures I’m behind on.
Our new house, we moved in the beginning of Dec!
our backyard!
backyard 2
Me and my big belly laying on the couch, a common site these last few months!
Dec 15th, our second 4D ultrasound, our baby is GIANT sized now!!!!! He’s already over 17 inches, and over 4 lbs and I was only 6.5 months along!
Tiny ear!!!
Foot on forehead!
Giant Beast Baby!
Little arm!
Justin with our little nephew Landon
Me with little Landon
Our little nephew Nick at Christmas!
Little Nick (left) and Landon (right) with Santa!
My cousin Loni’s little Mike!
New Years Eve belly pics!
Justin & I on New Years!
Lola in the stroller, she thinks it’s hers!
Drippy being bad!
Justin & I with our Moms at our baby shower!
My big belly with Sedona, awwww!!!
So as you can see, my belly & I are huge now!! Now for the gross facts; as of my last Dr.’s appointment, I’m dilated 2 cm, I’m 70% effaced, and the little guy (which we still have no name for) is at -1 station, which is really good!!!! So we’ll see when this baby decides to push his way out, I’ll keep you posted… I swear! =p
**Update** 3/7 Oh my God, I’m still pregnant!!!! My due date was last Saturday, it is now Wednesday. Pregnancy has been awesome- don’t get me wrong- but this is one big, bloated, irritated, exhausted, pregnant lady who is SO done with the pregnancy part and ready for the mommy part!!! If I haven’t had him by Saturday, they’re inducing me Sunday at 6am, so we’ll have the little guy by Monday for sure one way or another!! We’ve also finally decided on a name!!! Justin came up with it last night about 2:30am, I was having contractions, and thought I was going into labor, so I woke up Justin, showered and curled my hair, and of course contractions stopped- no labor, but by then we were both wide awake and going over names. Justin came up with Vegas. I didn’t like it at 3am, but I woke up today and we both love it. So there it is, Vegas Gray Clark. Give it a chance, it’ll grow on you (kind of like Justin =p).