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I made this web page to show wonderful my family is. I went through a lot in my life to realize just how much they mean to me. Now that I know what a wonderful thing I have I want everyone to see how special they are to me. Starting with my soul mate. Yeh I know a lot of people say that but I really do belive it so with us. My husband Jason and I have been together for 14 years in Aug. We were born on the same day so we are 1 year apart in age. I have been by his side through so much. Through all the B.S he did show and teach me so very much. For example I now can put together the front end of a honda in my sleep....haha. Jason has been my savior, my heart, my strengh and at one point my downfall. I love him so much and I am so proud to be his wife, because the man I always knew he could be....has finally come through. Then without my husband I would of never had our son Nathaniel we all call him Bugg. Our son is the only reason we are alive right now. Nathaniel saved us from a life of disruction. Every day I thank God for our gift and a second chance at how life should be. Then I have my brother and his family they have been there through all of my B.S and I have been there for most of theres! The birth of their first daughter was so special to me. I love my first born with all my heart and will do anything for her. Then I have my little one Marissa she is such a trip. She keeps us all on our toes! Did i mention they are 15 and will always be babies to me. Now for my mom and dad. WOW! I cant get over how much they support me. In anything I want to do. They are another gift that I thank God for every day. I am very lucky to have a family like mine and even more so to have my husbands family as well. So many people out there hate their in laws or other side of the family. Not me. Grandma Rose was there for our little family when we needed it along with grandpa Mel. It was my husbands family that showed so much love and threw us a wedding. It was so beautiful. I loved it so much because it came from the heart. So this is what I am wonderful family.
