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About Me

Hello and Welcome to my myspace. Im Sarah. I was born with a disability called Spina Bifida and Hydrocephlous. From the second i took my first breathe, i had to have a pump put in my head to drain the fluid from my brain. Without it, i would die. When i was born, the doctors also told my family that i would never be able to walk... by the age of three.. i proved them wrong and got up and WALKED!!! Praise to God. All my life i have struggled with the walls that the world puts on 'disabled' people. Thinking that i would never be able to do as much as a 'normal' person, I put up walls around my life that i could not imagine over coming. I found it hard as a young girl trying to fit in with everyone and live my life as normal as possible... though i'am blessed to have parents that never really treated me any different! Praise God again!! At the age of 9, my pump started breakng and blocking yearly, resulting in an opperation every time this happened to replace or repair it. In grade 7, i was having another opperation, my 14th by this time, but sometime durring the 5 hrs, something went wrong & i had a bad brain hammerage that nearly killed me. I spent a few days in the Intensive care unit and 3 wks all up in hospital. From then on, everything went down hill. By the end of grade 9, I had had 35 opperations and was struggling with life. The last opperation i had was ment to resolve in me not having to live with a pump in my head... it was unsuccessful. It was after this opperation that i wanted to give up on life all together... living with a headache every day was no life to me anyway. I wanted to shut the world out & i felt as thought God was punishing me for so long & i didnt know why. I felt like a hopeless case. But i wasnt. I remember very vividly the first night that i went to a church. Our next door neighbour had invited us, knowing about my past, the service was for Miracles. I went with a heavy heart, not expecting anything to change.... But I came out with a totally different attitude. I started going to Youth Group with a friend, all the time, I was still struggling with the past... If God so loved us, why did He let me go through so much pain and suffering! I went to Planet Shakers 2004 that same year with my youth group and remember exactly on the Wednesday night that week hearing a message preached from an awesome man of God, Reggie Dabbs, a message on how God knew everything that you were going through and that there was a cause for all that happens in your life. That night, 3 yrs ago, God spoke to me saying, "Sarah, I love you, there is a reason. Trust me!" I gave my life to Jesus Christ that moment and havent looked back since. My miracle... I havent had a single opperation since that night. I believe that God has been healing me ever since. Im now a Motivational Speaker and travel around sharing the message of Hope from Jesus Christ to everyone i can. I speak in Schools, called 'Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it!' About having a dream and conquereing it no matter your circumstance. Churches, about how your past can be the foundation stepping stone to build your future. Looking on your past not as a terrible tragedy but a blessing as it got you to where you are today. Without all that i went through, i wouldnt have the story i tell today. And I also share my story with the beautiful people in this world that are labeled 'disabled'. God came to give us ALL a life to the max. I love to see others that are struggling the way I was, break down those walls completely and transform into a life that only God can give. Though the world may label you 'disabled', GOD labels you, ABLE!!! He is our HEALER!! Some would look at my life, my situatin and have sympathy... But i feel truely blessed to be living this life! With my Beautiful family and friends, in beautiful Australia, a Free Country... But most importantly... My Beautiful Saviour, Healer, Redeemer, Lord, Father and Friend, Jesus Christ! He has such an amazing future and destiny for every life.. we cant even imagine. I encourage you all as individuals, rise up to the life that God has given for you! With Him in your heart, ALL things are possible!!! You can do and achieve anything! He loves you! Enjoy my myspace and dont be shy to say hi!! Much love. Sarah. MySpace Codes

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

*JESUS.. When the time is right!!! *My Prince! "A girl should be so in love with God that a guy has to seek HIM to find HER!! *Esther from the Bible! *My beautiful kids. *Paul from the Bible. ... everyone i can!!

My Blog

Check out the new website!!! xxx
Posted by on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 16:19:00 GMT


Check out my healing pics!!! They're awesome... they're real... they're proof!!!   xxx
Posted by on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 20:28:00 GMT

A lil drop in the Ocean of God...

"Iam just a small drop in Gods big ocean... Yet, if I didnt do my part, it would never be the same!" -Mother Teresa This amazing statment/quote/promise... whatever you want to call it, came up in a me...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 22:09:00 GMT

Who can deny it???

Well, its late at night, Ive been at Church for ages watching Gods miracles unfold, I havent eaten since forever (Thank you Jesus for mums who are amazing and make the most incredible food ever!!!)Its...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 12:17:00 GMT

Dont worry... Be happy... and have FAITH!!!

Ok, So Im in such an amazing mood right now.. Why is it amazing... I think Im just in awe... again!!! In awe of how, when you think that your going through something and you dont know how your going t...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 22:38:00 GMT

Praise You in this Storm!!!

Ok, so we go through dark seasons in life... tough times when we think or wonder how and when we will ever get out of the situation we're in and how it could possibly be doing us good in the end... B...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 22:36:00 GMT

He healed me, He can heal you!

Ok, so this story is nearly 2 months late... nevertheless, I was going to post it!!! Planet Shakers 2007... WOW!!It was crazy like every other of the 3 years I have been. Though i knew something was d...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 14:04:00 GMT

Glory Revealed!

GLORY REVEALED By Sarah King 2005   The tears, the joy, the teddies, the cards, the "best wishes", the gifts, the hardest "Good-bye".  All this before I had even left!!  I remember si...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 01:56:00 GMT