she wears her tears on her blouse
My name is Sarah. I'm a girl, which means I have a vagina, I guess. I'm an arse. I love art. I love drawing, graphics and sometimes Photography.. when it works out for me. I like a lot of things when it works out for me. As I said, I'm an arse. But I know I am... so its okay.
In the middle of Military Training to join the Forces, because I'm cool like
that. I rock teh art. I listen to rad music. Diss it, and I'll eat your soul. I'm awesome at air gee tar. I think too much, then I think that I'm thinking to much. I get confused easily also. I am in love with the raddest
and most amazing person in the world. He brings out the best of me.. and
sometimes the worst. I'm a geek. I love Anime. I'd rather watch it in Japanese.. even though I can't understand it. I'm pierced, got one ear stretched and inked. I want more ink. I'm a huge Donnie Darko Fan, I even have a quote from it tattooed on my back. I want to be famous, hahaha. Not really. I just want to put my mark in the world, that doesn't include me trying to write my name with my own piss on the wall. Being female, it is a very hard task.
"We're course 10 and we're the BEST!"
Do Not Steal