Jacob Cool the Younger, the 2nd profile picture

Jacob Cool the Younger, the 2nd

Seran barridos por los anarquistas al fuerte grito de libertad.

About Me

I am 18, I can go to big-boy jail, get drafted, vote, buy porn, cigarettes, and the greatest feat of all, BUY STUFF ON TV! awesome. Yay. I enjoy doing things that the ignant masses would call geeky, but thats cool if they think that because I enjoy doing them. I like punk rock quite a bit, also ska, but I strive to not be a dumb ass punker thats just about getting fucked up, those people annoy me. I like just hanging out with my freinds and spontaneous fun, if you want to drive to California one day, I'll go with. I also like to just talk with people and walk. I love swinging, god DAMNIT! I love swinging. and yes I mean on swings, not the sexual meaning of swinging. oh yeah, I play bass in two bands: Anarchy in a Three Piece Suit and Socialist Suitcase. Peace. Watch the Dennis Maladone video, its enchanting! He can even make his hand glow when he touches african american children!
Name: Jake "Whalebones" Waluconis
Birthplace: A vagina
Current Location: In a spiderman costume typing upside down for effect
Eye Color: Hazel, the wannabe green
Hair Color: It was once described as someone puking up toast and OJ at the same time.... now its got faded green too!
Height: 6 feet 66some small unit of measurement
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right, thats my pryin' hand
Your Heritage: Lithuania, its independent once in a while... and Poland, woo!
The Shoes You Wore Today: squeky converse... but that still punk as fuck
Your Weakness: My fears
Your Fears: My Weakness
Your Perfect Pizza: Cheez, from Amantes.... oh god... sto good
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Balance on my tongue
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: What was the "insert class" homework?
Thoughts First Waking Up: A horse head? today is looking up!
Your Best Physical Feature: middle toe on left foot, or as I it call el diablo
Your Bedtime: when the adrenalin runs out
Your Most Missed Memory: If its my most missed I've probably forgotten it, that or my sis
Pepsi or Coke: coke, don't even try persuading me you pepsi drinking commies, USA! USA! USA!
MacDonalds or Burger King: I geuss Burger King, but I prefer fast tacos over fast hamburgers
Single or Group Dates: Either is fine, depends on who the group dates with I geuss
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: The snowman one, hes bad ass
Chocolate or Vanilla: You must swirl them together, like a really delicious interracial baby....yeah....
Cappuccino or Coffee: I hate coffee, but mocha's are fine I guess
Do you Smoke: no, all those old Nick Toons taught me how bad they are
Do you Swear: yes I do, what about you?.............bitch.
Do you Sing: Only while going on an adventure
Do you Shower Daily: yes, but I don't flip out if I don't for one day
Have you Been in Love: I thought I was once, but the restraining order says different
Do you want to go to College: Evergreen probably, Western might be nice too
Do you want to get Married: Depends, I don't want a life thats boring like having a certain meal everyday, that creeps me out
Do you belive in yourself: You can do it Jake!
Do you get Motion Sickness: not really, dog does though, its gross, he vomits
Do you think you are Attractive: Don't know, Don't care. BUT YOU! oh god your so beutiful!!!
Are you a Health Freak: no, too bothersome to be checking out everything I eat
Do you get along with your Parents: Don't need to get along with them if you get rid of them......... but yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: I do, but my dog hates them so therefore I don't like them
Do you play an Instrument: Bass
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:
In the past month have you Smoked: no
In the past month have you been on Drugs: As Coolasaurus Rex Says: Drugs are for lamers!
In the past month have you gone on a Date: it was with you don't you remember ya dick?
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yes'm... Bellvue Square sucks, its all about crossroads
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no, but I hav eaten some.... but thats not answering the question I guess
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: no, I don't really like it.... the cucumber rolls are okay though
In the past month have you been on Stage: ELL NO!
In the past month have you been Dumped: ELL NO!
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: ELL NO!
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: this survey
Ever been Drunk: ELL NO!
Ever been called a Tease: hahaha, that would be pretty confusing if I was
Ever been Beaten up: yeah, by a huge dog when I was like 10
Ever Shoplifted: Why you asking? You with da Po-Po?!?!?!
How do you want to Die: like when I'm 78 choking on a bra I was trying to take off with my teeth, I've thought this out.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Something involved with Film
What country would you most like to Visit: Japan, Germany, Jaketopia
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: green, but there all good
Favourite Hair Color: I like red dye, but any is good
Short or Long Hair: short hair, but as long as its not dragging on the ground I'm cool with it
Height: Not over 8 ft, she should be with Shaq... there child whould be like a giant
Weight: Don't care, as long as there not unhealthy obese, or grossly skinny
Best Clothing Style: Really don't care, no cheerleader outfits, I'M STUCK ON THE DOOR!.... idiot
Number of Drugs I have taken: Only Veckmanpeck
Number of CDs I own: I don't know
Number of Piercings: I don't know... I've never looked at my body
Number of Tattoos: I hope to get one very soon
Number of things in my Past I Regret: A couple things

My Interests

I like to rock and or roll. I like video games too, especially rpgs, but all types are good. movies, I enjoy the cinema...and um, history is pretty cool unless it's AP history then it sucks. I like to write a lot. Martial arts (not doing them, just researching them,) fencing. Bass. Music History. Anarchist histroy.

I'd like to meet:

An LW student that isn't an asshole, its pretty rare. The pope so we could practice tying nazi arm bands. George Bush jr. out of morbid curiosity. Apparently I'm like this robot.
Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey


I'm just alphabetizing it in this list, so yah: "Weird Al" Yankovic; various 80's artists; 7 Seconds, A global Threat; A perfect Circle; Adhamnh Roland; Against All Authority; Agent Orange; Agnostic Front; AiA3ps; Animal Collective; Anoushka Shankar; Anti-Flag; Aquabats; Arab on Radar; Bad Brains; Bad Religion; The Beach Boys; The Beastie Boys; The Beatles; Beck; Bikini Kill; Bjork; Black Flag; Blood Brothers; Bloodhound Gang; Blue Oyster Cult; Blue Scholars; Bob Dylan; Bob Marley; Brenna Sahatijian; Cake; Callum Dickson; Charlie Hunter; CHOKING VICTIM; Circle Jerks; Citizen Fish; Clash; Crack Rock Steady 7; Crass; Dead Kennedys; The Defenestrators; Deftones; Depeche Mode; Descendents; Dessert Sessions; Devil's Brigade; Devotchaka; Distillers; Doors; Dragon Force; Duane Peters and the Hunns; Dwarves; Eagles of Death Metal; El Pus; Evan Greer; F-Minus; Frank Zappa; Full; Gadjits; Germs; Hepcat; Human Abstract; INDK; Jack Be Quick; Jimi Hendrix; Job for a Cowboy; Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros; Johnny Cash; Keane; King Django; King Missile; THE KINKS; Korn; Lars Frederiksen and The Bastards; LEFTOVER CRACK; Mc Chris; Mean Reds; Mindless Self Indulgence; Minibosses; The Minutemen; Modest Mouse; Morning Glory; Mouthwash; Muse; Nekromantix; The Nerve Agents; Nick Duncan; Nirvana; No Ca$h; Operation Ivy; Outkast; The Pietasters; Pixies; The Pogues; Point One; The Presidents of the United States of America; PROPAGANDHI; Queens of the Stone Age; Rage Against the Machine; Rancid; Some random stuff; Reagan Youth; Red Army Choir; Reel Big Fish; Roger Miret and the Disasters; Ryan Harvey; Sapna Awasthi; SLXP; Simpson's music; Sin City music; Skarp; Slackers; Slipknot; Sonic Youth; Soul Coughing; STREETLIGHT MANIFESTO; Sublime; System of a Down; Talking Heads; Techno; Tenacious D; Terence Blanchard; Tiger Army; Tim Leque/Friendz; Tiny Tim; Tom Frampton; The Unseen; Voodoo Glow Skulls; Weather Report; World/Inferno Friendship Society. There are more, I just read off of my ipod, but please feel free tot alk to me about music. I do care about your opinion.


fuck the list, it would be too extensive and quite frankly I doubt you'd read them all anyways going "oh he likes THAT movie?!" or "oh thats a good one." I like comedy, horror, drama, and action movies a lot. But all genres have their great films.


My favorite: Mystery Science Theater 3000. some of my other well liked shows are: Firefly, Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, Robot Chicken, Venture Bros, Upright Citizens Birgade, Ren and Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, Angry Beavers, Invader Zim, UFO files, The Office, My name is Earl, Beavis and Butthead, 3 South (its so short though,) Stargate SG1, theres more... but I can't think of them. the show I hate more than any other is Best Week Ever, its not funny, at all.


I don't read much the little that I have which I liked were: Creation of the Gods, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, The fairy wars, Garfield Collection number 4, America, American Gods, With Fire and Sword, All the many pamphlets I've been given


Not So Amazing Sarah, GAGLARDI, WAAGA, Optimus Prime.

My Blog

I'm just really happy

I've been really sick these last couple of days but listening to rancid out come the wolves and just relaxin today and hanging out with a person these last couple of days.  just makes me really h...
Posted by Jacob Cool the Younger, the 2nd on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 10:57:00 PST

Damn you Adulst Swim!!!

you were such a nice creation at first with a lot of kinda funny shows mixed in with funny shows.  but today you played Saved by the Bell?! what the fuck AS!  I saw an add for that and thoug...
Posted by Jacob Cool the Younger, the 2nd on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 12:08:00 PST

check this out, its reallly funny

great funny site http://www.divisiontwo.com/articles/gaynews1.htm
Posted by Jacob Cool the Younger, the 2nd on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 10:23:00 PST

kung pow and independence day

I watched Kung Pow and Independence day AND black hawk down all on the same day black hawk down sucks my nuts,  but the other two prime quality television/movie. or as I call them molevisions.
Posted by Jacob Cool the Younger, the 2nd on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 10:59:00 PST

More pride than you can wave a stick at

This is coming late, but for all those that didn't make it to pride parade this year it was awesome, and if you went the day before and had PFLAG stickers on some gay guy that worked at Red Roin&...
Posted by Jacob Cool the Younger, the 2nd on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Robot Chicken

Usually all the good shows are cancelled (Mst3k, Futurama, Ren and Stimpy, Invader Zim, etc...) but a new show has comeout on adult swim, uses toys and is just like a random funny show, I think you sh...
Posted by Jacob Cool the Younger, the 2nd on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST