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We in da Fast Lane chasin dat Cash MaYnE! SKR3AM @ ME!

About Me

My Interests

The Basics
Name Phillip Sanders
Nickname(s) Phil/$Dealz$/Drisco! LOL
Birthday March 21,1989
Birth city Fairfax,VA
Places you have lived Fairfax,VA/Norfolk,VA/Virginia Beach,VA/Flint,MI/Grand Blanc,MI
Current location Grand Blanc,MI
Hair color Black
Height 5'10
Eye color brown
School NONE! LOL
Have you ever
Been in Love nope
Fallen for a best friend yea
Used someone yea
Been rejected yea
Regretted something yea
Do you/Have you
Color your hair no
Considered a life of crime yea
Worry often yea
Have split personalities yea
Have tattoos nope
Have piercings yea
Listening to? Nas
Talking to? Girls
Feeling? good i guess
Thinking about? Life
Fast food joint KFC
Movie Ong-Bak
Song It's Goin Down
Actress J-LO
Clothing line aKaDeMiKs
Store D.E.M.O & Jimmy Jazz
Person to talk to Mya
City to be in Virginia Beach (only cuz i havent been too many places)
Hair product line umm Blue Magic! lol
Season Summer
Sport Muay Thai/MMA/Boxing/& any other fighting sport
Scent Issy Miaki
Memory Watchin Nick @ Nite wit my big sister every night wen i wuz little
The funniest? Chris
Smartest? DeJuan
Sweetest? Ana
Meanest? Anthony
Sexiest? I mean I hate 2 toot my own horn but ehh? Wat can I say? Look @ Me! lol
Most talkative? Armine
Most ambitious? Dave
Scariest? umm iono DJ!!
Most inspiring? Bruce Lee & Floyd Mayweather
Most influential? Umm iono I dont do 2 much followin I influence myself
Quietest? Anthony
Most addicted to myspace? It wuz Chris but he fell off so now I guess itz uhh .... ME! lol
The Future
Do you want to go to college? yea
If so, where? ECPI
Do you want to be married? yea
Do you want children? yea
Where do you want to live? Las Vegas
What are three of your most important life goals? Get 2 Heaven/Get Rich/Live Good
Quotes to end on ...
On Love: Umm I jus dont think itz 4 me! lol Maybe 1 day???
On Family: Umm Never turn ur back on them cuz they're there wen nobody else is
On Friends: Pick em wisely cuz most of da 1's u call friends ten 2 evy da most!
On Self: ~GET MONEY!~ $$$$$$$

Things You Actually Really Want to Know About Me by onmyown2723
Height:: 5'10
Weight:: 185
Right or left-handed:: right
Heritage:: nigga
Are you in love?:: Naw I dont kno how! lol
How do you alleviate stress?:: Zoning out and avoiding everybody!
Do you swear?:: sumtimes
If you could have any job, what would it be?:: I never thought about it
What are your favorite sports to watch?:: Muay Thai/Boxing/UFC or any MMA or fighting sports
What was your first car?:: Mercedez Benz SL 600! BALLLLINNN!
What kind of car do you have now?:: BENTLY GT!!!
Were you popular in high school?:: Not really Stayed 2 myself mostly
Do you like thunderstorms?:: no
Is the glass half empty or half full?:: Man dat jank runnin over!
Best places you have ever been?:: Orlando
Favorite food?:: Terriyaki Chicken
Least favorite food?:: Squash & Zukini
What type of music do you dislike most?:: Dem katz dat be breakin dey guitars an shit mayne! Wat da hell?
Do you take illegal drugs?:: umm I have but i dont! :)
Do you believe in love at first sight?:: NOPE
If you're not in love now, have you ever been?:: NOPE
Are you a risk taker?:: yea
What do you think about most?:: Life & wat Ima do wit minez! lol
Ever cheated on a b/f or g/f? Be honest!:: Yea
Have you ever been to jail?:: No
Do you wear contacts or glasses?:: Contacts I need sum new 1's by the way thanx 4 remindin me!
Hugs or kisses?:: umm iono
Living arrangements?:: FREE_LOADIN!
What is your bedtime?:: Picture DAT!
Boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?:: Boxers
Piercings/tattoos?:: 1 piercing
Biggest pet peeve?:: Fake Gangstaz & Myspace THUGZ! 4 sum reason errbody gotta be a gangsta 2 be cool now!?!?
I have low tolerance for people who:: Steal from me!
Do you sleep with the T.V. on?:: yea
Do you have a T.V. in your bedroom?:: yea
Can you handle the truth?:: yea
Hair color?:: black
What are you afraid of?:: umm heightz/drowning & suffocating
Will you have sex with any pretty little thing or does it actually mean something?:: Naw i guess it meanz sumthing
Friend you've had the longest?:: Chris
Early bird or night owl?:: Night Owl! I hate it tho but i cant sleep!
Best advice you've ever received?:: Go 2 college
Favorite quote?:: ~Get Money~
Favorite type of music?:: Rap & R&B
Biggest weakness?:: money
Biggest fear?:: drowning
Are you close to your parents?:: yea now dat my mom kicked me out an I aint gotta see er errdyday! lol
Any brothers or sisters?:: yea
Have a religion?:: Christian
Views on politics?:: Dont get me started!
Worst habits?:: Joking 2 much! & Instigating! lol
What's one thing you'd like to do but haven't done yet?:: Ummm Get a good work i gues??? lol
Where do you picture yourself in five years?:: Back in VA working sumwhere
Are you laid back or high strung?:: both @ timez it depends on my mood
Do you like to try new things?:: Alwayz
Is family important to you?:: Yea
Are you optimistic or pessimistic?:: Optimistic( I HOPE! IM GUESSIN!! LOL)
Have you ever been engaged?:: HELL NAW!
Favorite places you've been?:: Orlando
Are you a procrastinator?:: Sumtimes
Favorite pasttime?:: Myspace! lol
Longest relationship?:: umm lik almost 2 months! lol ... I aint a serious relationship type person sorry!? lol
Biggest mistake?:: Droppin outta skool
Craziest thing you've ever done?:: I dont een kno itz soo many! lol
Like to party?:: yea
Drink a lot (of alcohol)?:: Naw mayne!
Set your own path or follow the crowd?:: Set my own path or else I wudda been in 1 of dem lil made up gangz tryna be cool lik da rest of dem busta azz niggaz in VA BEACH! lol
Like kids?:: a lil bit wen dey little i guess .. I jus can not stand ugly kids i kno itz mean but i juscant do it! lol An dey alwayz the 1's dat wanna play! lol
*In a boyfriend/girlfriend*
Hair color?:: black or brown
Body type?:: sexy jus mainly not fat! lol
Personality?:: Cool & not stuck up
Style of clothing?:: Fly
Do they have to be popular?:: Naw I dont care bout dat!
Turn-on?:: Pretty eyes & a cute smile
Long hair or short?:: Long no chickenheadz!
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I'd like to meet:

My nigga NAS Mayne! Here go his classic song "One Love" .. width="425" height="350" ..


MY MAIN NIGGA NAS! DA BEST RAPPER ALIVE! .. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" DIARY OF NAS PART 1 .. .. width="425" height="350" PART 2 ..


Ong-Bak - The Thai Warrior


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