DJ JOSH K is from a little bit of everywhere. At times I feel like a gypsy, but that's part of the BIZZZZZ. Shortly after working a few radio gigs, odd jobs, and DJ'ing In a Club In Downtown Toledo, BRETZ, Shortly relocated to Atlanta, Georgia.
Having worked in North Carolina, Salt Lake City, and Maine. With Credential as Mix Show Dj, with a recent prior venture, and a lot of persistence at WJBQ, Q97.9Fm with the First MIX SHOW the Q has ever allowed to Air (besides OPEN HOUSE PARTY WITH JOHN GARABEDIAN ) on the Weekends. With Production and Imaging Skills, Learning to Beat Mix on wax.
I am also able to Provide Stations across the Country a varied Mix show with Mix segments to get your listeners moving. The Past few years working in Ogunquit Maine at MAINESTREET right in the Heart of Ogunquit.
I Moved back to ATLANTA, Georgia last year and reconnecting with what I once knew here. So much has changed, but I am reconnecting with Old friends and New Ones. I am
ON-AIR WEEKDAYS on, 12PM EST to 5PM LIVE IN STUDIO K, PLAYING ALL YOUR HITS & Dance HITS on the net or on the go to your Streaming Web Capable device (cell-phone)
CALL THE REQUEST LINE NOW Atlanta Studio Line 1-678-701-8069, We also have the Ability to Stream live from any event to the web be it a local venue, club, or T-Dance. I am also a Huge Networking and Promotion whore. Make me aware of your event and I will help you promote it via the web and other forms of media. YOU CAN ALSO CALL ME ON MY CELL.... 404-625-8669 but don't stalk me! Agreed? plays All the Hits - 24/7 and commercial-free. We are an unconventional hit music station that happens to reside on the Internet. We take the best elements of traditional radio stations and Internet radio stations, and throw many of the typical conventions we find to be outdated or irrelevant out the window.Like many traditional radio stations, we believe in playing the best and freshest in Hip-Hop and R&B as well as other hit music, mixed with your older favourite songs in recurrents and gold rotations that you may still remember and we love having mixshows. But we don't believe in concepts such as voicetracking, dayparting songs, speeding-up songs, rotating only 30 current hits, and playing songs close to or even over 100 times a week. Like many Internet radio stations, we believe in playing commercial-free music 24/7. But we don't believe a radio station should simply be just a playlist with a bunch of songs on random and repeat, because you can do that yourself, right?We're a station that listens to you, a place where you can get your fill of today's best music, and that's our mission. We run because we enjoy it. If you have comments and suggestions, don't be shy to contact us !We currently offer 2 streams - in MP3 and in low bandwidth aacPlus. We can also be found on such radio directories as SHOUTcast, iTunes and you can even listen to us on your stereo through digital streaming devices like the Roku Soundbridge.
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