_My Hobbies and Interests_SLEEPING...! eHeHe... ;D aNd...rEaDiNg, sUrFing ThE nEt, pLaYiNg & HaViNg fUn wiTh My DoGs, pLaYiNg ThE piAnO oR gUiTaR, EaTiNg, DaNciNg, SiNgiNg, TaKiNg CaRe Of My DoGs, CoLLeCtiNg CANDY MaG & WITCH MaG, CoLLeCtiNg My FaVoRiTe BoOks & LoTs Of TeDdY BeArS oR StuFF tOyS, FoOLiNg aRoUnD wiTh mY cOuSiNz & FriEnDs, GoiNg fOr a ReLaXiNg SwiM (oNcE iN a WhiLe), FoOd HoPpiNg wiTh mY DaD & MoM (dUrinG oUr oUt oF toWn TriPs), pLaYing ArcAde GaMeS (TiMeZoNe's tHe pLaCe), CoOkiNg (whEn i WaNt tOo..eHeHE...), HaViN' MoViE MaRaThOnS, ShOppiNg (wHen iM OuT oF tOwN), JaMmiN' MuSiC wiTh mY dAd & mOm, TrAvELiNg (jUst abOut aNywHeRe Me, mY mOm & dAd cOuLd Go...hAhA...) ;D
ANYONE...!!!dO aDd Me pLEaSe...ThANkS sOoO mUCh...! (",)[email protected]
_ThE Music's i UsuALy LisTen_anything that's called MUSIC... "TeLL mE wHeRe iT HuRtS", "EsPeciaLLy FoR YoU", "FoR aLL oF mY LiFe" & "FriEnD oF MiNe" by MYMP... "NeVeR SaY GoOdByE" & "KeEp On KeEpiN' On" bY JoJo... "sTeEp" bY NiNa... "CaN't FiGhT tHe MooNLiGhT", "SoOn" & "WriTTeN iN tHe sTaRs" bY LeAnn RiMes
_Movies i LiKe_many to mention... but i think it's iCe PriNcEsS, BriNg iT On, BriNg iT On AgAiN, BriNg iT oN: aLL oR NothiNg, DaReDeViL, TrEaSuRe PlaNet, PeTeR PaN, PriNCeSs DiAriEs, PriNCeSs DiaRiEs: RoyaL EngAgeMeNt and eLLa EnChAnTeD... :)FaSt & FuRiOus, FaSt & FuRioUs: TokYo DriFt, ELeKtRa, HaRrY PoTTeR(all), HiTcH, LoRd oF tHe RiNg(all), etc... ehehe... ;D
_TV Shows i UsUaLy WatCh_Axn, HBO, Myx, Cinemax, Starworld, Studio 23, Ripleys, Charmed, Disney Channel, C.S.I., Lifestyle Channel, Animax, Qtv, CaRtOOn NeTwOrK, etc...
_ThE Books, i hAvE & LoVeD_Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Angel Valley, Chicken Soup, John Grisham books, Meg Cabot books, Harlequin collections & Loveswept collections... ;DRiCh DaD PoOr DaD, PuRpoSe DriVe LiFe, aNd a LoT mOrE...
..HmMm.. sTiLL thiNkiN'... ;D