_iCe PriNcEsS_ profile picture

_iCe PriNcEsS_

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

simple, friendly, cheerful, wacky, corny, funny, eccentric, crazy, weird, optimistic, pessimistic, easy to get along with, full of laughter, all smiles, an only child, at times spoiled(haha!), "kalog", an imperfect person, sinner, caring, loving, thoughtful, wild(at times..haha!), quite(at times), organize, prim & proper & childish(sometimes), pet lover, realistic, open-minded, brave, trusting, weak, strong, picky(depends on my mood for the day..haha!), determined, lazy, a fool(sometimes), naughty, chocolate lover, loves sleeping & eating, strong willed(i think..), responsible(i guess..haha!), sweet, understanding, "makulit", 99% human & 1% alien(wahaha!!!), loves water sports, daring, adventurous, afraid to "really be in love", music lover, has the best family & friends i could have ask for, religious(really???), a good friend(of course!), God-fearing, loves to have fun, never takes things too seriously(most of the time..ehehe), emotional, faithful & loyal, sincere, forgiving, "pasaway", "maarte"(sometimes), moody, bookworm, sensitive, kid at heart, mature(i think..haha!), artistic(in my own way), shopaholic, lucky and loving my life as it is...over-all, i'M sOoO HAPPY & BLESSED...!!! ;Doh! forgot to mention... i LoVe StuFF ToYs, PiLLoWs & especially TeDDy BeArS...!!! :D hehehe... :D iM aN aNiMaL LoVeR tOo...eHeHe... :D

My Interests

_My Hobbies and Interests_SLEEPING...! eHeHe... ;D aNd...rEaDiNg, sUrFing ThE nEt, pLaYiNg & HaViNg fUn wiTh My DoGs, pLaYiNg ThE piAnO oR gUiTaR, EaTiNg, DaNciNg, SiNgiNg, TaKiNg CaRe Of My DoGs, CoLLeCtiNg CANDY MaG & WITCH MaG, CoLLeCtiNg My FaVoRiTe BoOks & LoTs Of TeDdY BeArS oR StuFF tOyS, FoOLiNg aRoUnD wiTh mY cOuSiNz & FriEnDs, GoiNg fOr a ReLaXiNg SwiM (oNcE iN a WhiLe), FoOd HoPpiNg wiTh mY DaD & MoM (dUrinG oUr oUt oF toWn TriPs), pLaYing ArcAde GaMeS (TiMeZoNe's tHe pLaCe), CoOkiNg (whEn i WaNt tOo..eHeHE...), HaViN' MoViE MaRaThOnS, ShOppiNg (wHen iM OuT oF tOwN), JaMmiN' MuSiC wiTh mY dAd & mOm, TrAvELiNg (jUst abOut aNywHeRe Me, mY mOm & dAd cOuLd Go...hAhA...) ;D

I'd like to meet:

ANYONE...!!!dO aDd Me pLEaSe...ThANkS sOoO mUCh...! (",)[email protected]


_ThE Music's i UsuALy LisTen_anything that's called MUSIC... "TeLL mE wHeRe iT HuRtS", "EsPeciaLLy FoR YoU", "FoR aLL oF mY LiFe" & "FriEnD oF MiNe" by MYMP... "NeVeR SaY GoOdByE" & "KeEp On KeEpiN' On" bY JoJo... "sTeEp" bY NiNa... "CaN't FiGhT tHe MooNLiGhT", "SoOn" & "WriTTeN iN tHe sTaRs" bY LeAnn RiMes


_Movies i LiKe_many to mention... but i think it's iCe PriNcEsS, BriNg iT On, BriNg iT On AgAiN, BriNg iT oN: aLL oR NothiNg, DaReDeViL, TrEaSuRe PlaNet, PeTeR PaN, PriNCeSs DiAriEs, PriNCeSs DiaRiEs: RoyaL EngAgeMeNt and eLLa EnChAnTeD... :)FaSt & FuRiOus, FaSt & FuRioUs: TokYo DriFt, ELeKtRa, HaRrY PoTTeR(all), HiTcH, LoRd oF tHe RiNg(all), etc... ehehe... ;D


_TV Shows i UsUaLy WatCh_Axn, HBO, Myx, Cinemax, Starworld, Studio 23, Ripleys, Charmed, Disney Channel, C.S.I., Lifestyle Channel, Animax, Qtv, CaRtOOn NeTwOrK, etc...


_ThE Books, i hAvE & LoVeD_Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Angel Valley, Chicken Soup, John Grisham books, Meg Cabot books, Harlequin collections & Loveswept collections... ;DRiCh DaD PoOr DaD, PuRpoSe DriVe LiFe, aNd a LoT mOrE...


..HmMm.. sTiLL thiNkiN'... ;D